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Posts posted by AllAlone

  1. yeah there has been many a issues with his ex's in this relationship...

    at the beginnin he went to see his ex he just broke up with ALONE...

    then later on he took his other ex to the cinema... yet again ALONE...

    and then like when he broke up with me he txted n called the recent ex to get back with her... and it's just like everytime things go wring he tells them that we brake up and wateva and it gets on my nerves alot...


    just like when we just finally sorted things out this time... and then he left his email open and there was a reply form his ex asking why we broke up.. eventho we're now together.. but she stil thinks we're split all the same...

    do u think im right to be kinda paranoid that things will go wrong... cos i just have that feeling... like eventhough he is seeing everything as fine and happy... i'm just wondering when something else is guna go wrong... or when his ex will be there again


  2. Hey people.... Em... i think i have a really bad problem with jealousy.

    It's just my bf talks to alot of girls and i know he's in contact with his ex's eventhough he tells me he's not.... and i don't know why i just feel paranoid and jealous.

    Well i'm not sure if it's more paranoia than jealousy... just when things got bad and i took him back as my bf... he emailed his ex like straight away and told her... like.. as if its any of her business!

    i just dont understand it

  3. Hi hazel. I think the best thing you can do now is think of what YOU want. Not what anyone else wants. From what i gather from toggles post is that your back with your bf... correct? again sorry if i'm wrong because then you can ignore from this point then .

    Well yeah as i said the best you can do is think about yourself, think about wat you want, who you want instead of putting others first. The only way you can get what you want is to trust your instincts.

    i hope it all works out what ever your decisions lead to.

  4. As someone else said, If she wants to be with you she'll find a way.

    I'm taking a guess that it's about Hazel_Eyes? Well just guessing because your two posts sound like the reverse of each others. If i'm wrong, then my mistake

    But if it is then maybe she's just sorting things out, but for the time being it's best to just keep doing what you think is right.

    It's a real bummer when you find the one that's right, and even if for the time being it's not possible, it just feels like it'll never happen and well know one knows what will happen, possibly only she knows what she's going to do in the next month, 2 months, half a year, year. So the best thing you can do is just trust your instincts on what to do right now. If you feel that the steps your taking will help then keep at it.

    Who know's maybe later on she may realise what she's done or how stupid she has been ... (yeah i'm saying that because of her post i read) and maybe try and make things right. But then aagin you can't be certain your feelings will still be there. Well, i hope she figures out what she wants for your sake and hers from what i read.


    Anyway, i hope i may have helped. And i hope things turn out ok.

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