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Posts posted by pinkdynamite

  1. so this is my situation...

    8 months ago my bf and i started dating..well and everything was so perfect...i knew him before..we kinda were friends before we became a couple...im 18 and he's 21. he finished school and moved to another city( close to mine) to go to an university there...we used to see each other every weekend...he's the first guy i really could say that i love him and he felt the same way...he had some troubles with his life..or still have..like he has no money..he cant find a job..his family lives in another country..so he is alone..and its really diffivult at the university..i tried to help him...of course we fought sometimes...but still it was the best feeling on earth to be with him...he was my friend,my bf and my family...he was the only really important thing in my life...cuz i dont get along with my parents and i hate the place i live in...and now he broke up....he said that something doesnt feel rigth and it has nothing to do with me...he still loves me,but first he has to figure out what he wants to do...he wants to get money..visit his family..see his friends again...and he needs time to be alone...he said that maybe someday we'll be together again...but who knows...

    im so hurt...i love him so much...i did everything for him..i really want him back...how can i show him that he made a mistake...he can be alone..we dont have to be together all of the time....i can give him his space...i just want to be with him...cuz i need him

    how can i get him back???

  2. a year ago i met this guy at my school. on valentine's day he gave me roses and tolf me that he wants to date me. but i already had a bf,so i said no. then he stopped talkin to me. after a couple months i started dating one of his best friends, but only for one 2weeks. after spring break i asked him why hes not talkin to me anymore...and he said he was waiting for me to make the first move or like talk to him. we hooked up..but i wasnt sure if im doing the right thing..because of his best friend..it was kinda weird..i told him that..and again he stopped talkin to me...after a month or so...we had this school celebration and we talked and hooekd up again...i dont know what happened then..i just know that this was a few days before our summer vacation started...i wanted to say good-bye..but it was too late..he already was at the airport....after summer vacation he didnt talk to me..fall wasnt easy for me..cuz my family had a lot of problems(my dad is very ill)...so i didnt think about him a lot...but know i feel better..i want this year to be better than last year...and i dont know..but i still like him..i kinda have feelings for him...but i dont know how to tell him that..cuz hes not talking...sb gave me his nr. so i wrote him a textmessage..just saying hi how are you and stuff..but he didnt write back..today i saw him at school for like a couple minutes..he looked at me once..but i coulndt talk to him..cuz there were many ppl standin with him..what should i do...should i write him another message and tell him what i feel...or should i talk to him at school( but thats very difficult)..i cant visit him..cuz helives in another city..i dont even no where....please help..

  3. So this is my story,

    i was dating this guy i met at a party. he was really cute. but i wasnt sure if i wanted to be with him...but he made me feel special(cuz i dont really get along with my parents-they hate me). and i started to really like him. we were writing txt messageall day long..and we tried to see each other as often as possible. and he even told me: I love you..h ewas the first person who had said that to me. i thought he was like really into me,cuz he could never let me go and stuff.but then after just 1 month he wrote me a txt message saying maybe we should break up,cuz i need some time for myself. i couldnt believe it...so i tried everything to get ihm back..i wrote him a long letter telling how much i love him..and then he said that he sitll loves me and doesnt want 2 break up..he juts needs some time..ao we didnt see each other like for 3weeks..but he kept writitng me txt m. saying that he misses me and wants 2 see me and that he loves me and stuff. and then he said he wants to see me on thursday,cuz wednesday night he had a soccer game. so i decided to surprise him and go to his game..i was on the train,when he told me that he's sick and then he said he doesnt love me anymore and he doesnt want to be with me...i was shocked...i cried and cried...then aftre a week i met one of his friends( i didnt know him) and we talked alot about my ex. and i found out that he has been dating another girl for 6months and he wants to marry her someday(i know that he has another girl but i dont know if its true that they have been dating for 6 months) and that he just played with me. he just wanted to have "fun" with me..and thta he doesnt give a sh** about me...all this was fake...i can believe it....normally i dont trust ppl..but i trusted him..cuz i thougth he loves me...it really hurt to hear that it was just a game for him...this happened like a month ago..and i thougth i was over him...cuz i thougth what an a**and im not gonna cry..cuz hes not worth it...but i still think of him..cuz the time with him was so great..i dont know what to do...now i cant trust anybody...i feel like im lost...im so alone...how can i really forget him..and move on..and how can i trust another guy ever again..please help..

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