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Posts posted by hunny

  1. hi guys... to some of you this may sound stupid (it does to me too ) but it has been playing on my mind alot over the past week.

    The thing is... i thought that i might have been pregnant as i hadnt had my period for 6 months... i broke up with my boyfriend 5 months ago so i obviously thought that if i was pregnant- it'd be his.

    Months and months went by and still no period and i was too terried to go to see the doctor, i told my boyfriend after a month of no period that everything was ok to stop him panicking- now i was really alone.

    Then after 6 months of no period (but not really showing any signs of pregnancy, but i heard that some people dont even know till bout 7 months somehow) it came last week - and although i was so relieved, i am now feeling a little disappointed that im not pregnant as i love babies and children and would love to have one. please help me see sense!!


  2. hi, as u all know, its V day again and i am feeling very lonely and i feel that i will never meet the right guy. i am quite big and feel like no guy will ever want to be with me. it is really getting me down, particulary as a lot of my friends have boyfriends now and i feel like i am the only one with out!! please write back with some advice or anything!!!


  3. I know this should have gone in the love forum but it wouldnt work!

    This might sound weird but its been on my mind for a while now...

    I dont think anyone will want me... ever!

    The furthest I've gone with a guy is touching 'downstairs' and kissing but Ive never had a boyfriend and Ive never had the whole thing where someone says they are really crazy about you etc etc.

    I think the real reason is because Im FAT. i feel so ugly... no one will ever want me... ever...EVER! Loads of my friends say 'you're really pretty' etc but its easy for them to say- they've all got boyfriends and they are thin.

    I need advice... i feel so down

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