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Posts posted by SnugglePuggle

  1. I'm so disappointed in you. I am shocked, hurt, and angry about all you've done, but now just utterly disappointed. What is so wrong with you that you resort to only thinking about yourself and putting me on the stage to fight for our relationship? Why do you keep giving up? I hate you for what you've done to us. I will never get over this. We were almost to our wedding. No girl deserves to go through this. EVER.

    Although I love you, this person I see right now is not the man I fell in love with. I hope you get help, but for now we are over for good. I don't know if I will ever take you back, I'm not saying never say never, but that right now my trust is completely broken and you have a lot of work to do.

    I hope you think of me and realize the wonderful woman you've lost before it's too late.

  2. Well I now sadly have bad news. I posted on this before about my reconciliation story- it's all fallen apart. My now ex-fiance, we had gotten back together and were doing so great, had gotten so much better and stronger together.

    It's three weeks before our wedding- August 4- and now a secret we had came out- my ex was bisexual, and both families didn't know and both lashed out at us. He felt so much pain that he ended it again, thinking that

    because of these circumstances, that we aren't meant to be together.


    I'm just so broken and defeated. :upset:

  3. So, here's my update (I posted on page 211):


    As of right now, my ex and I are back together! Just to make things short, I won't explain everything, but we broke up in October 2016 due to my (now) bf's issues dealing with his parents divorce. He took it out on me verbally and made up excuses to put some blame on me. After it happens, I went into such a deep emotional sadness, it hurt so bad. He unfriended me on all social media sites, blocked me from messenger and my phone number, etc. I went straight no contact for a week, then broke the NC rule and begged him through email to tell me why he did this, as I could tell something was wrong with him. He was cold and distant, and sent short answers that only made the heartbreak worse, and then blocked me on my email too. But since I had multiple addresses I used those, and I snapped at one point, saying something I regretted instantly, and he replied with a nasty comment and blocked me again.


    After that, I went straight NC. Went to my best friend's house a few hours away and had a great time with her, went horseback riding like we used to do when we were younger, and had a great time. I slowly but surely blocked him from my mind and just focused on things I enjoyed doing. Then one day I was driving home and just felt really bad about how I had said those nasty words as our last communication between each other, so I decided I would just send him one email saying I was sorry for it, and that I forgave him for what he did, and that I wished him well and hope he finds happiness. He responds actually saying he was happy I sent him that, and we started talking slowly but surely. As we just sent short texts, they soon turned into long conversations and he asked for me back one day, and I said YES. Well the next day he broke it to his mother, and that evening I broke the news to my parents. WORST DECISION EVER! They went absolutely ballistic. I had never seen them so angry, especially my father. He went all out, saying "I want him out of your life NOW" and he even prayed to God to "make his soul feel unrest so that he would end things again" and he and mom basically threw out all the red flags they had about him, and brought up the break up too, etc. Well next day, Zach ends things again saying that he feared they would never come around and this would be permanent this time. That's when it really broke me. The pain was so much worse, I had suicidal thoughts at one point. I finally got through it after awhile, and went straight NC again. With the occasional short text, a "Merry Christmas" thing or whatever, we barely had any contact after that.


    Fast forward til around February 10. I remember the day because a few days before, I actually had come to terms that I was over him and that I could look forward to possibly find someone else that would love me better. And then it was like all the other people said, once you are finally over them, they come back! And he did, cause I opened up my email and there was a long message from him saying he was wrong, apologizing for our break up and that it had nothing to do with me, and that he was still in love with me. That it took his parents finalized divorce to realize things, and after his joy of seeing his abusive ex stepfather leave, it was quickly replaced with dispair that I was gone. And that he still was in love with me, and that his rebound relationship didn't help him get over me.


    Well I was shell shocked at first, and it took me a day and a half to think up a reply. At first I told him I appreciated him finally opening up to me, but that I couldn't take him back because I felt my parents would react the same way they did before. But after a few days, I kept thinking more and more about him, and my feelings just came out. I texted him and we started talking, and soon it came to where we were open about everything. We got through the issues of the break up, talked about what we wanted to happen in this relationship, everything. I told my parents with our therapist by my side that we were back, and they didn't react badly but still were a bit cautious and guarded, but they are not trying to ruin things. They are still having a hard time coming around, but Zach and I are both willing to work as long as it takes to get them to finally be happy with us. We are slowly working on rebuilding for now, and I can't wait to see what happens next! (Even if I feel a little nervous about my choice, and what the future holds, I know that I need to see this through, and if it turns out that we aren't meant to be oh well, I will be happy that I made the choice for my life, not my parents, and if it does turn out

    with a happy marriage and kids, which is what I'm hoping for, then that is great too!)

  4. Well I have a sort of a success story. I'm 22, he's 24. Bf and I broke up in October due to him having issues with his parents divorce, and he took it out on me. A week later we tried to reconcile, and it backfired. My parents went ballistic, I had never seen them so angry. They said awful things which ultimately pushed him away for fighting for me.


    Fast forward until about a week and a half ago: After limited to no contact, I get a long email from him saying he had opened up to me about what was going on with him and that the break up had nothing to do with me. That he still loved me and wanted to make things work.


    I at first said no due to what my parents would think, and that I thought it was the wrong timing. But as I started to talk to him, all my feelings and emotions came rushing back. We've been talking like the good old times and just having very positive times. I haven't felt so happy in a long time! He's improved himself, worked on his faith in God, and is such a rock for me, standing on solid ground.


    But there's a major factor in this- my parents. We thought it would be good for now to not keep them in the loop since of how they reacted last time, but they are sensing I'm hiding something and I'm afraid our cover will be blown. We wanted to wait til I got a job in my field, and depending on where that was he would move closer to me or I to him, and we would seem like it happened naturally- "Oh yeah we've met a few times, think we might try this again" sort of thing. Since I would be out of their house they wouldn't have much of a choice and there wouldn't be as much kick back from them. But since I'm still at home and I'm afraid the cat will be out of the bag soon, it might blow up in our faces. I have been speaking with him though and he's standing by my side through anything.


    I'm just still anxious about it though. I want them to approve of him and see how he's changed and that we could have a happy ending. But they are so controlling and not understanding

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