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Posts posted by LTLFan

  1. ok. so let me throw down the jist of what happened..


    theirs a girl i met on myspace, she had a boyfriend. me and her became pretty good friends in a short amount of time. she says im her best friend.

    online we usually did the whole *kiss* *cuddle* playful actions you know? at this point she has never met me, but has seen pictures/talked on the phone.

    so she had this boyfriend right and she came to me asking me advice.. i told her my opinion. i like her alot and i wanna go out with her, buy my opinoin wasnt biased it was just how i thought of it. so this guy shes onoly gone out with about once, or twice has been going out with her for about a week. TOPS, and she says he claims to be in love with her. so yeah i told her i would be alittle freaked out if a girl i known for a week claimed she was deeply in love with me.. keep in mind he is 14, and she is 15. so anyway she was to the point where she wants to break up with him because she loved him as a friend.. not anything more. so shes still with him until today.. last night i met her and her friend at block buster. we hung out for about an hour last night. anyway i come home and i get an instant message from this guy who she was going out with. and well. i asked him how he can love someone for a week. and one thing lead to another and it turns out that he got really really mad at me.. so during the conov i called up the girl and told her if their was anything i shouldnt say since he was talking to me. she says dont tel him nothing, and to send her the convo'. so i did as told. and she says last night when she read it that it seemed i was possesive and trying to break them up.


    thing is, i didnt notice this until i read the convo over once or twice. and she was right. anyway after this all i happened i went to sleep. only to be woken up by her and her friend. they called my cell phone and they were having fun, they where hyper and everything. so they called me. so i talked to them and all because i figured she wouldnt be mad or anything about earlier. so i did.. i cant remember what we talked about because it was late at night..


    now this is where my questions come in. bottom line is i like her, and shes single now. ok on AIM well ill past the convo..




    her (3:46:42 PM): have you talked to cody?

    me (3:46:59 PM): mm somewhat.i wasnt reeally paying attention i was on the phone at the time but hes all mad at me.


    her (3:47:37 PM): i noticed... why?

    me (3:47:55 PM): he blamed me for your decision of breaking up with him. as if i put thoughts in your head

    her (3:48:55 PM): oh

    her (3:48:55 PM): no you didnt

    her (3:49:08 PM): you have nothing to do with it. so i dont know why he thinks that


    me (3:49:14 PM): exactley

    her (3:49:46 PM): he thinks you like me, doesnt he?

    me (3:49:58 PM): i dont know, i dont care really, i blocked him tho'

    her (3:51:19 PM): haha, good.

    me (3:51:47 PM): he has anger issues

    her (3:52:49 PM): yeah

    her (3:52:56 PM): do you like me?

    me (3:53:06 PM): as a friend yea

    her (3:53:15 PM): mkay

    me (3:53:19 PM): y

    her (3:53:20 PM): but not more, right?

    me (3:53:25 PM): no

    her (3:53:32 PM): good

    me (3:55:49 PM): k


    so i lied... and when she said "good" i felt i have no chance.. so is that what she saying? and if yes, what did i do? i mean we used to joke like.. "yeah if you didnt have a bf i would.." ect and all. hinting that i wanted to go out with her little bit. and im sure she picked tho's hint up.. so i dont know. should i let it go and just go on? or what?

  2. the last girlfriend i had was with my 5 year, we broke up last october.. and since then i've been. single.. but for the past few months i was in the depressed stage.. and now im out.. and well i dont know.. about all my friends have gfs.. and i feel left out.. i miss the feeling of it you know? ive been out on a few dates and i didnt really like the girls i dated.. they wanted like a title i guess... they didnt really didnt work out i guess.. i dont know if that made sense.. basicley i know what i want, and im not finding it... im 16, and i was a girl who is looking for love.. i mean not just one night stands, and the fact of "ok lets go out cuz we look good together" or "im only with you cuz your hott" i hate people like that.. it really turns me off when people say stuff like "yeah i'm only dating him/her cuz their hott.. thats all that matters" yeah. and i havnt found a girl, since my 5 year like that... recently ive been focused on my music (since january) and i started up an acoustic thing on myspace... and recently started a band.. which is going alright i supose. but other than that im kinda lonly.. and my friend made a comment to me which was kind of messed up because he was like... "well atleast i have a girl, and could get one" and yeah... that was kinda messed up i suppose. but hes right to an extent. i havnt found a girl like that... at when i DO find a girl, they just turn to be "just friends" which is alright i supose but i want MORE than JUST FRIENDS!.. i thought that music would get me a girl, to be more noticed.. and believe me it has.. but still nothing... that and im not "hott" im just... "alright" i supose...


    i dont know what to do... i seems i lost my path.. where do i start? any tips? suggestions?

  3. hmm.. i would ask that, but i mean i guess it can be good or band. good being that her mom likes me so her mom could say yes, and bad being she might feel MORE uncomfortable... because se emy grandparents arent going to be home, my reletives are here and they never been to san diego and their all out seeing SD or whatever... see?

  4. hmm, ok so a "thing" well, last time we went to the movies, it was suposed to be me her and her friend, but it turned out to be me and her only. the time before that it was me her her friend, and my friend. she likes to bring her frends along wereever we go. dont get me wrong, i dont mind them, their frun to be around with, but. does it mean anything that she likes having her friends around when i wanna like. go out with her alone?

  5. so how do i ask out a girl, who dosnt go to my school?

    she lives about 10 min away from me and we hang out like once a week. because of our distance. but we talk everyday.

    ive known her for about a month, and ive talked about her in my other topic called "about a girl". should i ask her on the phone? and if yes how would i go about it? i mean i dont even know she likes me that way. i think she does but im unsure. i guess i should ask that first?

    i gave her a valentines day card when we hung out last friday.

    it was me her friend, and her. and they where in the bathroom, @ Kmart.

    so i snuck away for awhile to get a card, that wasnt too much. it was like a dog saying "im so adorable" and in the inside it says "and so are you, happy VDay" something like that. i just rushed and put


    To: Raquel

    From Mike, then a smiley face


    then gave it to her. she said thanks with a big smile and gave me a hug. then later that night (we where at the mall) we sat down for awhile (cuz it was raining) inside a restraunt, and they had crayons, so i did little kid drawings, and a full page (on the card anyway) note/letter saying how that day was fun and how hanging out with her is fun ect. along with like little things that only we know, . i thought the kid crayon thing was pretty cute. then when her mom picked us up she showed her mom after i broght it up. and well she sounded happy..


    anyway how do i ask her if she likes me? like i mean to get on the subject of that and not be like "hey do you like me!" out of no where.. tips please?

  6. Well today is friday, i am going to her house in the afternoon to hang out. (could be good), and then, depenfing on if its raiing hard or not, we will go to the movies (if we go, this would be the third time in a row on a friday, last time was just me and her) so.. any tips? like i mean, should i tell her that i have feelings for her @ her house? or what.

  7. no i just asked if she wanted to hang out on friday (since no school) and she said yea. but she also said she might be busy.


    i just think its a little to early to ask her out. but im here for advice... is it too early? i mean ive known her for about a month. her mom knows/likes me... but i mean i would. but i dont want to when she brings up DRU, shoul i even worry at all about him? i mean she says that her mom knows she talks about him (dru) every day. so i dont know.. opinions?

  8. ok, im kinda frustrated.. but help me see thorugh this.....


    First things first.. i was talking to raquel, (i imed her) and it got dead. like the convo got dead, so i just went away and laid down, i wasnt feeling well. then. when i come back she all starts talking to me, saying she was sorry for not talking to me. i said its ok.... then about 10 min later, her friend who ive talked to online a few times asked me if i liked her. i didnt want to answer her at the time. anyway could she of been behind it to ask her friend to ask me? ok, at this point im thinking maybe she was behind it. then she talks about how dru (guy in florida, who she is head over heels for) called her hosue last night high or whatever acting diffrent, and he was like rubb your nipples, what do they feel like. ect. like weird stuff. anyway she tells ME this. then after that whole thing, i ask why she told me. she was llike, i dont know, im sorry, im sorry, im sorry. so i dont know that was weird for me to hear. because i dont wanna hear about dru since he likes her, and she likes him. i dont know if its me or what. but anyway after that this is what she said




    Raquel (6:34:43 PM): hey brb hes gonna call me now lol

    Me (6:34:47 PM): ok

    Raquel (6:35:13 PM): okay thanks

    Raquel (6:35:13 PM): ill call u after if i could would that be okay?

    Me (6:35:22 PM): if you want, sure

    Raquel (6:35:40 PM): alrighty cool bye

    Me (6:35:46 PM): ttyl

    Raquel (6:35:57 PM): ttyl! bye


    So, shes excited that DRU is calling her again... what does this mean for me? i mean she hasnt called me yet. but when a girl is head over hills for a guy she CANT GET, do i have a chance at you know starting something with her? is she hinting anything?

    please help.

  9. ok, you said that i should let her come to me (IM me, ect) but if i do that then wouldnt it be like as if i was ignoring her? i mean lets switch it around for a second, if she dosnt IM me, and i dont IM her.. weres the comunication? ive never played the "hard to get" "game"

  10. maybe i should just wait longer? i recall a time, like 3 or 4 days ago, she said that this guy (who was her "best guy friend" as she says) was "eww" when i asked why, she said it was because it was her best guy friend, and he wanted to go out with her...


    now im thinking. should i say something before i become her best guy friend, or should i wait a little longer before asking anything?


    any tips?

  11. Ive written a few times.. basicley i like this girl, i want to go out with her,



    now we are up to speed. i asked her to take this test thing. on myspace, and this is how she replied





    » I committed suicide: cry my lungs out

    » I said I liked you: blush

    » I kissed you: blush

    » I were drunk around you: laugh and make fun of black folks

    » I lived next door to you: bring luke over hehe j/k chill at my house

    » I started on a downward spiral of drugs & alcohol: i would tell u to stop it..

    » I was hospitalized: see u in hospital

    » I ran away from home would try to find u a place to » I got into a fight and you weren't there: i would find the person u fought and fight then



    » Personality: awesome

    » Eyes

    » Face

    » Hair


    - Who are you? Raquel..im not black..

    - Are we friends? heel yah BOY!!!!!

    - What do you think of me? ur an awesome possom

    - What's the fondest memory you have of me? umm...r.denro SHANKED THE NEIGHBOR heh

    - How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? as long ..?

    - Do you love me? sure

    - Have I ever hurt you? umm.. nope

    - Would you hug me?sure

    - Would you kiss me?umm friends

    - Would you make love to me? friends

    - Are we close? i guess?

    - Emotionally, what stands out? (its ok, i dont know what that means either.)

    - Do you wish I was cooler? naw!!

    - On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 10 but u say sorry to much

    - Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. boogeyman ..lol i dont know i cant think of a nickname lol sowwie!

    - Am I lovable?sure

    - How long have you known me? umm i believe..1month?

    - Describe me in one word. HEELACOOL

    - What was your first impression? u are gonna be a funny dude

    - Do you still think that way about me now? sure do!

    - What do you think my weakness is? ..hurintg friends??

    - Do you think I'll get married? heela yah

    - What about me makes you happy? ur jokes!

    - What about me makes you sad? when ur in the sad mood

    - What reminds you of me?HELL cuz.. of heela .. ..

    - What's something you would change about me? not a thing

    - How well do you know me? i would say..u could never know enough about a person

    - Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? nope u know me too well u know almost everything about me

    - Do you think I would ever kill someone? naw but hey they say never assume anything

    - Do you ever think about me? How often? sure whenever i see a black folk lol

    - Are you going to put this on your myspace and see what I say about you? ehh most likely no but if u want me too then sure lol?


    the stuff in red are my questions..


    - Would you kiss me?umm friends she states we are friends, which is true.. but what do you think the umm means?


    » I said I liked you: blush

    She said she would blush....


    » I kissed you: blush

    again she says she would blush.... now from the "if i kiss you" and "would you kiss me" questions, do you think she wants me as a bf? or not? because i am confused... please help

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