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Posts posted by Loralora

  1. 34 minutes ago, catfeeder said:

    There's a difference between using conflicts to negotiate better outcomes versus turning a spouse (or his family) into adversaries.

    I would have asked husband, "If you want to allow your Mom to set the timeline, are you willing to get the baby ready while I catch up?"

    Cleaning up the house to impress MIL when your hostile attitude toward her and husband overrides any other impression isn't helpful.

    I would have left the place a bombshell to demo the help that I need. Then whoever tried to rush me would have been assigned a job to help out.

    The reaction from her anď my husband would have been (even if they don't say it, they will think it) that the apartment is a mess because I am lazy (nevermind that I am a successful doctor and phd student) not because I need help. That is the problem with this mentality. And there is where the pressure rises. And any extra help they would give me is because I am lazy and incapable not because I have too many obligations.

    Even getting a made would make me lazy.

    Another problem we have here with men is their mothers do everything for them (especially for my husband) I have to do everything around the house because his mom did everything for him. He had been taught like that.

    She should just have stayed at her house and wait for us to get ready and go pick her up when we would. It's not like she has a tight schegule or anything else she had to do. She doesn't work. And this was something nice we wanted to do for her not her for us. So it was up to us to do the schedule not her. 


  2. The problem is we can't leave my MIL with our kid and go out just the two of us because we work alot and we have to take him to MIL very often so on our free time we have to take the kid with.

    I really don't have many places to take him. My mom is recovering from cancer. My dad is a cardiac patient. Babysitting isn't popular here at all like it is in the US.

  3. Hi everyone just wanted to ask your opinion on my mother-in- laws actions.

    (Excuse my spelling mistakes if there are any, english is not my native language).


    My husband and I are trying to work on our marriage so this weekend (on saturday) we decided to go to a national park with mountains and spent the day there and we decided to invite his mother to come along. The reason we invited her is to thank her because she looks after our son when we go to work. We haven't taken him to day care yet. 

    So on saturday morning I got up at 8:30a.m. I asked my husband what time are we going he said around 10 or 11. So I got up then and started getting ready. When my mother in law textes my husband telling him I'm coming over and bringing something to eat before we leave(she lives very close near by). I told him just tell her when we're ready we will come pick you up. He told me he can't tell her that because it is unpolite telling someone not to come and she will get angry. He responded to her telling her "ok but don't hury because we just got up."

    I got angry because this was direct pressure on me to get ready quicker. I had to change my one year olds diaper, feed him, change his clothes, make his milk to take with, get ready for my self and instead of doing all that I had to clean the apartment a little because I didn't want my mother in law to see a hectic apartment. Not even 30 minutes passed and she came. So the indirect pressure started she tried to help me get my son ready but really all she did was pressure me to do everything quicker. The whole time she was like did you eat? are you ready? Are we going? I was like yeah in e second I just have to do this, I even made them coffee so they'll sit down for a bit untill I get everything done.

    This isn't the first time she pressures us. Everytime we go anywhere she wants to go quick she doesn't take much into consideration that I have a baby and I can't always leave on time. She expects us to leave right that minute we said we will, she needs to understand that.

    So the whole time there me and my husband were angry. He was angry that I said those things about his mother and I was angry why he won't understand that she is pressuring us (especially me) too much.


    So basically another fight and problem. Afterwards we again fought about another thing. He won't admit that his mother pressures us. He says that I am too slow and "incapable of getting ready on time". He thinks his mother is fast and a hard worker and that I am lazy and slow.


    My question is, is her behavior normal or is she pressuring us too much? Am I wrong or is she.


    Thank you ahead for your response. I would love if everyone answered the question and not focused on other things. Thanks



  4. Thanks everyone for your answers! 

    Yes he is the doctor. We are both doctors and super busy. He works more than I do and is much more busy than I am. But I still think that no matter how busy someone is they have time to be intimate with their partner if they wanted to. Him working so much is not an excuse. I think the flame is burned out a little, especially after having a baby.

    I would never hire a private investigator or put a gps on his car...I take it the OP was being sarcastic. I would never take myself down to that level if he would find out he will think I'm a stalker and crazy and will probably want a divorce.

    Besides anytime I want to see his location I can..thanks to facebook nearby friends feature it shows you excatly how many km your friends are from you if they allow location on their phone and my husbans always has his location on. That doesn't help cause he can be at work and still cheat if he wanted to.

    I think if he was really cheating with time I will find out without any of that private investigator stuff.

    I don't know I guess I will talk to him about it...that I don't feel comfortable with us having so little sex and him being so overlygroomed down there.









  5. Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well.

    I have a question around my husbands grooming activity.

    We have been married for 2 and a half years now and we have a one year old boy. We are both super busy with work and our one year old, we barely have time to have sex so we have 2 month periods where we go without having sex.

    We have solved some bigger issues that we have had. But there are still more. I have a problem trusting him 100%. I never caught him cheating just flirting and lying about things sometimes.

    My question is: today I saw he had shaved his private area after he got out of the shower before going to work (the nightshift) and I can't help but wonder...who is he shaving it for? It's not like we're having sex....

    So my question is if a husband shaves his private area even though we barely have sex is he shaving it for another woman? 

    I understand him shaving it when the temperatures are too high because he can get sweaty and smelly.. but now it's not that hot he usually didn't use to shave it around this time...

    Thanks for your answers...

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