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Posts posted by pippi323

  1. Wow, I'm really sorry that this happened to you. I'm just as clueless as you are as to why he would break up (I think he was telling the truth when he said you didn't do anything).


    That's what important. If you didn't do anything, then the problem is him. Some guys freak out if they start to have feelings for someone else, so they end the relationship. (the whole "I'll end it before you can hurt me").


    But if you don't think he was falling in love and refusing to admit it...Sometimes, people just need space. I'm not saying that makes it okay, but atleast you could understand why. People, especially teenagers, are very protective of their time and, more importantly, their heart. Suddenly sharing both of these things w/ another person takes some adjustment--and it's an adjustment some people aren't willing to make.


    I don't know if this helped any, but I hope you atleast realize that it obviously isn't your fault. So, just in case you're blaming yourself, don't. It'll still hurt, but time (and also chocolate ) heals all wounds.

  2. I can understand your frustration; however, as stupid as this may sound, you gotta respect your parents. You said that they didn't want you to date b/c they're afraid of what you might do w/ a girl. Well, sneaking around would definitely prove to them that you're untrustworthy.


    Talk to them and tell them that it's just a movie and that you'd really like to get to spend time with this girl. (Of course, I'd leave out the whole "I love her" thing from your conversation, simply b/c words like that make parents freak out even more).


    I know where you're coming from. My parents wouldn't let me date either, so I had to show them I was responsible. Now, I can pretty much do whatever I want b/c my parents know that they can trust me. B/c I didn't sneak around and yell at them all the time, I can date and I don't have a curfew.


    So try to talk to them, b/c in the end, they're probably only watching out for you (because THEY CARE).

  3. Is love blind, or is it just him? We've been best friends for six years and I've been in love with him for four. I'vre tried everything to get over him--dating other guys, encouraging him to date, and sometimes, evn just plain avoiding him (that backfired--"absense makes the heart grow fonder").

    So what do I do? Will every relationship I have be tainted b/c it's not w/ him? Should I tell him how I feel?

    We're fixing to graduate, then we're out of each others lives forever. I don't think I could live w/ the regret of never being honest, but I know life isn't like the movies and I don't want to screw up any "meant to be" chances by rushing things.


  4. I think some greatest loves spring forth from friendships. Unfortunately, unrequited love hurts more than anything.


    I've been in love with my best friend for four years. I'll never understand what it was that he saw in all the other girls that he never saw in me, but it doesn't change the fact that I am still his best friend.


    Friends care for each other and about each other. They comfort you when you are sad, rejoice with you when you are happy, and have enough guts to tell you to stop doing things that will hurt you.


    Love is (or should be) based on friendship, so I understand why the lines are fuzzy...

    Why the question??

  5. Here's the deal. If you really like her, kiss her. But don't take it farther (for two reasons...1-- You've only been together a week and 2-- abstinence until marriage is TOTALLY the best way to go).


    I doubt she would be getting close and snuggling if she didn't want a kiss, so stop playing games and move in.


    It takes alot of courage, but so does anything worth doing

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