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Posts posted by a12345

  1. OK here is the deal i like a guy and i think he might like me to because he seems to be tryin harder to talk to me and go out of his way but his best friend likes him and well he donesnt like her but i am just thinkin if i tell him how i feel it might start drama and another thing how can u tell or what are some signs that a guy likes you?????


    please help me with this any advice or info is appreciated thanks


  2. Normally i would say that "breaks" lead to breaking up but my and my b/f went on a "break" and now were back together better then ever.......

    what a break really is, is seeing how life would be without that person and some people really miss eachother and get back together and others dont miss eachother meet someone else and go their separate ways

    so it just depends on the person sooo i hope this helped sorry if it doesnt

  3. ok well there is this guy who i really like and i know that he likes me also we r close to goin out but first of all he went out with this one girl for 1 year and 7 months and just broke up with her in september they are still really close they even drive together to school every morning he says there just friends but ya


    my problem is he gets way too jelous i have a lot of guy friends and he does not like that at all he gets mad when he just see's me talkin to guys or walkin with guys and of course at lunch i hang out with quite a few guys but whether i am with 1 or 20 he gets extrmely mad


    i hope u can help me cause i am not sure what to do about the ex or his jelous problem ( anyone who wants to take a guess do u think he is really over her)


    P.s its not like we dont spend anytime together he is over at my house almost everyday but ya thanks in advance for your help

  4. ya ok soo bascially talk to him around his friends and invite him somewhere i forgot to mention that he is moving to a new school in about 15 days sooo i need to do something fast i have known him for 4 years so its cool


    But what should i do?


    thanks for all the rreplies if u have any others plz. put it

  5. well there is this really shy guy at my school i have like him for a while and we started talking everyday for about a month and 1/2 well i think he is pretty comfortrable around me but there is still some things that he gets all weird about


    not to sound mean but him and I r not exactly from the same crews and that does not matter to me but i think that he thinks that it does


    here's and example of what he does

    almost everyday he will be somewhere near by me and he will look at me when i am not looking at him he will stand directly behind me and not say anything bascially i think he is afraid to talk to me in front of my friends and i only talk to him afterschool when its just him and I I dont do it on purpose thats just how it ends up


    What i am asking is will he ever come out and tell me that he likes me?


    and does he want me to talk to him when he stands behind me or next to me or where ever he might be


    thanks in advance for your replies i know its kinda confusing but ask me if u have and ?'s


    P.S he gets really jelous when i talk to guys which a lot of my friends r guys so i just dont know



  6. ok well lets see here


    i am not sure because i no me personally i ask my guy friends about advice and a guys perspective on stuff all the time and i dont like them i just like hearing them tell me what they think considering there a guy and all so ya..................................


    but maybe he does like u cause he said that u see signs


    do u like him?


    hope this helps goodluck

  7. i agree its better to talk in person but if u cant the phne is good but some people r afraid to talk on the phone so the internet is great but like daXman said the problem with notes and i/m's is people can show it to other people soo thats y i think talking is better and if its bad u can always deny it


    i hope this helps goodluck

  8. ya ok i get wjat u mean like around some people there outgoin and around others there shy well umm it depends like what you guys say online but even sometimes that wont tell ya whether he likes u cause some people talk more in person then online basically


    if u guys can talk for an hour to 2 hours without much pausing then u r really interesting or he like u but thats my opinion soo ya i hope this helps



  9. ya i think he likes u but like u said hes shy and when people r shy then they dont act like outgoin people so talking to people could take u makin the first move


    so i think that u have to make the first move ya that would be a good idea to ask him to do something on one of the days and next time that you r walkin next to eachother just say he but i get what u mean by your friend callin u over and then u dont get to talk


    so goodluck hope i helped let me know how it goes

  10. to tell you the honest truth i have the same exact situation but i dont have a class with him i know it is hard to think well if we r walking right next to eachother y isnt he talking well heres what i did


    me and this guy walk the same way everyday and when i get in front of him or i walk a littl faster he walks faster to catch up to me we will be shoulder to shoulder just like u guys and he says nothing until i say hi then he starts talking this guy is really shy what i found is


    talk to this guy when no one else is around thats what i did and we have been talking everyday for the past month i will just say whats up or hi or how was your day and he just starts talking


    now at first like the first time i talk to him afterschool we knew eachother but never talked anyway so i got in frnt of him and he caught up to like he walked really fast and then when he got to me he slowed down so we were walking next to eachother so i finally said hey whats up then he said nothing and the first 2 weeks all it was , was me asking him ?'s and him sayin yes or no now we have real convo's and he is really comfortable around me


    thats the thing with shy people if u want them to open up to u they need to get comfortable with and u will find for u that will be the hardest part because you will think o they dont like me but most of the time they really do they just need to make sure that your talkin is not a one time deal and i dont know if u r shy but i am really outgoing so it is a alittle different for me and he was an extreme case of shy but now his friend that he is always really happy to talk to me and it makes his day


    i am most likey the only girl that talks to him but thats ok as long as it works out i hope this help and it kinda asnwers your question let me know how things turn out and if u have any other ?'s about any of the stuff i talked about feel free to ask


    Do u like him?


    Are u shy?


    goodluck let me know what happeneds

  11. lol i get the same way well i am guessing that he is not shy right? well make small talk with him if he is shy or even if he is not


    try touching him in a playing around way or like if u know his friends start talking to them and then u will most likly become into the conversation and yea ask him ?'s too does he try to flirt with u ?


    good luck i hope this helped i am willing to give u more advice so keep my updated

  12. i dunno what it is i mean things r getting better and better each week but like yesturday i was in front of him so he came up to me and i said he


    and then today he was in front of me i think he wanted to talk to me cause he kept looking back at me but y didnt he say anything but we were litterally like 5 inches away from eachother


    y didnt he talk to me !!!!!!! lol HELP thanks in advance

  13. ya all of you guys are right i am noticing each day we take babysteps like today i was crossing the street and then he could of waited for the car but he didnt he ran to catch up to me got on the side of me and then we started talking normally like last week i made the first move so we r taking small steps into the right direction


    but if u have any advice like which signs to look for or any more advice at all feel free to put it


    thanks a bunch

  14. i have like this one guy for a very long time lets call him BOB but i dont know if he likes me and i am afraid of rejection........ If i was too ask him if he likes me what is the best way to do it? anyway this week he has been following it seems like and he has come up to me and looks like he is goin to talk to me but then doesnt.... Like today at lunch i was talkin to i really cute guy named andrew and Bob was by himself his friends were not with him and he just stood behind for like a minute but he didnt say anything and then he walked really fast around the corner i think he was mad but i just dont know.........

    PS he is really shy if i talk to him its all yes or no aswers

    Does he like me or not?


    Thanks in advance for all your answers

    tell me anything i just need a lot of help with this i have thought long and hard about it and i just dont know


    have any ?'s just ask me

  15. yea i get what your saying i have to hang out with him and his friends but i thought for shy people they open up more when they r a lone with that person no friends around?

    THanks have anymore advice i would love to hear it


    1 more question when i was talking him to the other day actually all the time when i ask him ?'s he only gives me a reply of 1-3 word answers

    does that mean do does not like me?

  16. i like this guy lets call him mark..... my friends tell me that markis always looking at me when i am not looking but he is extremely shy so when i look at him he turns away plus his friends r always paying attention to me and what i am doing when he is not around and even when he is around i want to ask him if he likes me but it would most likely be too streight forward if i just ask him do u like me and he dont have an s/n but i want to know if he likes me

    Hoe should i ask him if he likes me??

    give me ideas plz........ thanks ahead of time for the advice

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