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Posts posted by bogglebiggle

  1. maybe when the time comes for you to go to college (if you're planning on it) you could go up there with your girlfriend. You should definetly get a job. Don't sit around and wait for her, make something of yourself! Your probably a smart person, so get out there and be someone! While she's working and going to school, so will you. In the end it will all pay off. Good luck to you!

  2. My boyfriend/ best friend is going away to college. We've been together for three years and known eachother for 8 years. Currently we both attend community college together, however he wants to go on to bigger and better things next semester. He wants to major in philosophy. I too will join him at this particular school to major in Art education the following semester. Anyway, my problem is he is going to be away from me for a semester and it's a little upsetting. I know that's not a very long time but, I have a lot of problems that he helps me with. I was abused as a child by my alcoholic father (he recovered sometime around last summer) My father always put me down (and still does) and my mother doesn't help.


    I've had a tough life and he gives me the incentive to strive and do better and make the best out of anything. He helps me put my past behind me and concentrate on the future. After college we plan to make a life of our own together.


    Anyway, I guess what I am asking is:

    How can I cope with the only person who ever believed in me being so far away?

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