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baby boo

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Posts posted by baby boo

  1. well okay i take it you started to like this girl when you saw ... so if you do go for it asksomeone for he number what can you loose i mean the onley bad thing would be regection but if it felt like she was intrested in you, go ask around for her number

  2. k heres my probulm i talk to two of my ex boyfriends in a friend way and i dont understand why my current boyfriend gets so bent out of shape about it i could understand on one asepect that on ex is telling me he misses me but othre then that i dont get it it's not like i have feelings for them any more and he knows that but he blowes a hissey fit every day infact thats all he had beeen talking about the last three days non stop i am so confused i dont know what to do cause he brings it up all the time but in my eyes they are just my friends but to him they are trying to be more to me but i dont want to block these 2 guys out of my life cause they are my friends but thats what he wants he wants them gone ..... and the funny thing is the 2 ax's line 4 hours away from me !!!!!

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