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Posts posted by X-boy

  1. First take billie jean's advice then,


    well the thing is sometimes he might love u but may not tell it to u cause he's scared that u would go away........we'll your best bet is to tell him..as u have already did what is his reaction ? is he interested ? does he even bother?... u could show him how much u care by helping him out or givin him gifts on his b'day, etc.....if he responds.....then ur lucky......if not then theres nothing u an do....better to wait than to spoil your life and get heartbroken cause hes not the right person....the thing is when it happens it will.....it will be a look into his eyes he will look ino yours and that connection will be there ....if it is you will surely know.....a single look will say a million words....the main thing is try yur best cause once u lose him no use of freting over it and sayin that u could have tried harder..

  2. Well u know its true love when u start loving each other not because ure beautiful or something but cause it just happens......my darling and me used to fight and then to piss me off she played a prank and told me tha she likes me and then it grew .......8 months later i told her that i loved her and tomorrow (11 dec) is our first anniversary ........ far from the time we used to be at each others throats.... i actually started talking with her by accident.....so it just happens and once it happens u will go to hell and back for her....we have had our share of monster problem but we were always there for each other ....but thats another story ....will take a long time to type and thats not the matter......


    the thing is it will just happen and u will know that this is the person u want to marry and u will give up anything u loved in life just to be with her......and she will do the same too....


    thats my 2 cents

  3. I just talked with her and i made her understand that i didn't tell him to do it.She knows that i like her.When i was telling it to her we were alone and she was ust smiling and laughing.She said she knows that i didn't tell him to do it.Now that she knows that i like her, what can i do to make her like me?Somebody please tell me what to do?Thanks

  4. My good friend who is her family friend did the stupidest thing ever!!! He went and told her that i like her and asked if she likes me. She just started smiling and laughing.Now whenever she or her friends see me they start smiling.What the heck can i do???

  5. Me and my friends are going to keep a party on the last day of our exams.So i thought of inviting her.She used to go to the mall and we going to keep it in the mall.How are you supposed to ask her? I really want her to come.I'll even invite some of her friends.Any help will be appreciated.

  6. I don't know why but more and more opportunities are coming.This month on 26th class 10 is going on a field trip.From the 9th grade me my 3 friends the girl i like her 4-5 friends are going.Girls and boys will be talking with each other because we got to do research.Any way to impress her while on the trip?One more thing.Normally this girl use to sit in front of me.But then i shifted to the right.Then it was like,her,her friend,one more of her friends then me.But today she told them to move and now its like her then me.Whats up with that?Thanks a million.

  7. Towards him she doesn't do that.I think he has understood that she will never like him because he stopped sitting near her and all( Oh happy day our school we have a board in which we have to write a different proverb everyday.Today i went to write a proverb.The proverb i wrote was a long one.So the girl i like asked me to write a smaller one.Then she suggested one.She told me that if i liked it i could write it.I immediately said that i like it and wrote it.Now was there anything i could have said to make it obvious to her that i like her?

  8. Mr x is trying to steal the girl i like.He understood that i'm making some progress.So he is always trying to make her laugh or talk with her.She's not talking with him more than she talks with him.But better safe than sorry.What are the chances that she could like him?I'm desperate.Is there any way to impress her to such an extent that she makes it clear that she likes me?Anything will do.Thanks

  9. I also thought of that.This is how he did it.He made friends with a boy who had a sister in the same class.Then through the boy's sister he started a relationship.I said that only i knew that he had a g/f.He didn't come and tell me that.Once like he was talking to her and that's how i found out.But he is a .He(x) doesn't want anybody else to have a g/f.Another of my friend liked a girl.What x did was that he said all bad things about my friend to the girl and she stopped liking him.When like he found out that i like this girl he must have done the same thing because his g/f's cousin is in the class.But luckily i don't thing the girl i like believed him.So you see i can't trust him to help me with the matter.Also like when the girl i like talks to me i want to make her want to talk with me more and more.Any ideas to know if she likes me(i'm still not sure.Maybe i didn't read her properly) and to cement the bond and to make her want to talk with me?

  10. Like nobody talks because you will me made fun of.Whenever i have to tell them some thing about school they tell me something else and a small conversation starts.It might just take 15-20 seconds.But when ever i tell her something she just bows her head says ok.Last time i had to tell them about a student council meeting.So one of their class girl was out so i told her to inform the others.But then they opened the door and asked me to come and tell them.Only when i went and told them did they come for the meeting.Whenever i go to their class the girls start giggling or smiling but as always she bows her head.I can do this because when my friends ask me why i am talking with the girls i say that i had to tell them about some school work because i'm the boy's side house captain and she's the girls side house captain(how lucky).Hope you understand the situation.

  11. Thanks.Today in school i noticed that whenever i'm there and even though her friend are there she asks me to tell her what to do or help her,etc.There was also a poem recitation competitions in which she made eyecontact from the start to the end of my poem.But today when i sat in front of her looking at her in the school bus she just made eye contact once.I just can't understand her.And i'll try wht my friend did.If you've got anyother suggestions Kitz or anybody please post it here.Thanks

  12. Like in the US of A or in other countries they might do it.But this is a arab country and like boys in girls think that if they talk to girls they will die or something.Even the teachers are against it.This happens not only in my school but in all the schools and like nobody below the age of 18 goes on a date.Only like 1 boy who is my friend has a g/f.He helped me find her phone no.But icant call her because there will be a problem if parents know.I'm the only one who knows he has a g/f and he's the only one who knows i like this girl.So even she likes me this relationship should be top secret.And as for giving notes is that others girls will ask her what it is and will read it.This will just lead to her being teased.I don't want that to happen.maybe thats why she doesn't talk to me or look at me in school.Anyway i live near her house so i used to roam around the area hoping that i meet her.Anyway thanks for the advice Kitz .Got any other ideas?


    (p.s. I'm 13 but she's 14)

  13. There's this girl at school i like.I used to start small convrsations with her and all and once or twice she started the conversations.Sometimes when I'm there she makes slight eye contact and sometimes she like bows her head,but i dont know if she likes me or not?

    The problem is that i'm from the UAE.Here like the boys and girls study in separate classes and nobody talks with girls.So I can't even ask her friends.

    There's one more thing.First this girl used to like me but I didn't know it.Then she had a crush on another boy for 1-2 months.But recently when my friend's sister asked her she said that she doesn't have a crush on anybody.Now my friend is in another school.So somebody tell me if she likes me or not?Also tell me how i can let her know that I like her without others knowing?Thanks a million.

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