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Everything posted by snowflake1607307121

  1. Hey well my horror story starts withe a dude who said that he'd love me forever and had never loved anyone else but me for his whole life (blah blah blah) and was constantly cheating on me. He seriously angered my brothers who he totally shyed away from as he was afraid of them, but then one day I decided enough was enough and dumped him (again). He then got angry coz I didnt trust him and then hooked up straight away with my younger cousin who had just turned up in town, and when my brother died two weeks later he had the cheek to turn up to his funeral with his new girlfriend and was kissing her and everything in front of my whole family, who knew him thru a long term relationship with me that had ended 2 wks earlier. My brother didn't even know him and the only link we had thru him was me and he wasn't exactly at the funeral to comfort me, it was just a sly pass to try and get me back, but when your ex loses someone close to them, a funeral isn't the right place to get them back I reckon. And he knew how much I loved him and he really knew it hurt!
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