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Evening Star

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Posts posted by Evening Star

  1. Speaking from experience, I would say don't do it, it's really really great that you are so in love with this guy, so much so that you want to propose BUT and this is a big but, you are far too young, trust me asking him now will scare him off BIG time! I thought me and my boyfriend were ready for such a big step so when he proposed I said yes, immediately. Lets just say were not together anymore. My advice is to wait, say when your 21, 22 and if your still feeling the same way ask him then, but until then get to know him, I mean REALLY know him, you may think you do after nine months but you have alot to learn about him! Whatever you decide I wish you nothing but happiness.

  2. HELP! I'm sooooooo confused about my ex, basically the story is, me and my b/f, who became my fiancee were together for six months, and we recently broke up, he said he didnt love me anymore and didnt want to stay in a relationship in which he was unhappy. So Friday he asks to see me when I finish work, so I meet him from his work in the evening and we were standing outside his house, and he was having a smoke (not allowed to smoke indoors, parents!) and we were just chatting. He said that he was sorry about saying the things he did when we broke up (not loving me anymore etc etc) and that we should still be mates. So after we had sorted out the whole friends thing he said to me 'would it be too much to ask for a hug?' So we hugged, and he wouldnt let go, so I leant back a bit as if to say, look back off a bit, and he was still hugging me, so I just smiled and leant my head forward towards his chest (still hugging!) and I brought my head back up and he had leant his head down towards me and our noses were touching and we just laughed together, but then he tilted his head and kissed me on the lips!! He pulled away and said 'this is so wrong, but at the same time so right!' We kissed a few more times and as pulled away and told him not to say anything (dont ruin this kinda thing) and he tucked my hair behind my ears and planted another kiss on me. Anyways we hugged and both said we missed each other and he asked me to come round in the week sometime and chill out. He even went as far as to arrange for us to meet Saturday, but he had to work. He said that if anything does happen, he wants it to be a bit of fun, for now. Since Friday I have just let things happen with us, and tried to arrange a time to meet up but he's always busy. I'm so confused, does he want me back or is he just after company?? xxxx Ceiny xxxx[/b]

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