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Posts posted by nynsvrt2

  1. well theres this girl that likes me and i like her.. she lives 3 hours away... im gona get her number and call her this weekend or next week and talk to her... can sum1 tell me a good way to ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend.. and ive already got my mind set that i want to date her and my friends also told me to so plz dont tell me that its not a good idea to hav a long distance relationship juss help me out.. thnx.

  2. couple of my friends asked there girlfriends out online becuz they lived in a different city.. so does the one i want to ask out online.. but i dont know wut to say.. do i just say "do you wanna go out with me?" please tell me!


    P.S- i will be seeing her often and i want to go out with her.. so plz juss tell me wut to say.. i cant ask her to the movies or aything cuz she lives sumwhere else.. im askin her out online

  3. couple of my friends asked there girlfriends out online becuz they lived in a different city.. so does the one i want to ask out online.. but i dont know wut to say.. do i just say "do you wanna go out with me?" please tell me!



    i cant ask her out to the movies or anythin like my last gf so i dont know wut to say and i dont want to wait till the next time i see her.

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