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Posts posted by Ksol9

  1. I don't know how I never came across your journal!


    I just wanted to tell you that I think this is great. Gratitude is a powerful thing!

    If you wake up each day...each and every single day being grateful for big things, small things....anything, your life will begin to change.


    You're doing a wonderful thing here. Keep it up!

  2. I remember reading through this thread and hoping I'd be back one day to post my own story of getting back together.


    My bf of one year broke up with me mid Feb. we broke up for a little over 2 months and we were in complete NC for a little over a month. It was a silent hell. We initially broke up because there was a lot of tension from fighting..trivial stuff, nothing major. Then one day he comes home from work and says, we need to break up. Things aren't going to get better and I also don't think I want to have more children (he has custody of his 2 children from a previous relationship). I was heartbroken and I swore he would never change his mind. Two months of torture and things didn't seem to be getting easier at all. I cried everyday for 2 months. He contacted me the beginning of this week and we've been working toward reconciliation. There is great importance in NC mostly because they need to be able to see what life is like without you and you also need to be able to let your emotions settle. Really trust what everyone says about NC. It's hard but worth it if you had a strong bond.


    We are taking things slowly and we are trying to work on the things that were issues in our old relationship. We are stronger and better now. All the heartache and agony I suffered for 2 months! What an experience! I definitely grew and learned a lot from this. Good luck to those going through rough times. Stay strong and keep faith.

  3. Oh absolutely not... What I don't understand is after 4 months why would he care about that text now? He is such a smart guy and after 3 years I know enough to realize he never had any intention of hurting me by any means. I don't blame him for breakup either. As much as I was sad and very very confused bcs I had no idea he was going to break up with me, and he did it in a bizarre way(by text and not giving me the opportunity to salvage the relationship)... knowing him I know he didn't do it with the intention of hurting me but more of his selfish way of his own survival? for the lack of a better word. Now he may have realized that he made a mistake?? but being an extreme introverted he is, the thoughts of being rejected is scaring him more than ever. If he texts me, I take my time to text him and if he doesn't, that is fine too. I am living my life and nothing will keep me from doing so!!! He can join me if he wants to and after he makes up his mind! I am just so happy that apparently he is not with someone else or he wouldn't give a damn about some random texts from for ever past to review and analyze his past relationship!


    I think he's just trying to start communication with you. Pride and fear of rejection is a serious thing. Ive read all over this board it is the reason why people take so long to come back. They have to muster up the courage. At the same time, it could very well be anything. Either way, I can tell by your posts that you are at a place where you are strong. I think you'll be able to handle this. Move with caution. Guard your heart.


    I wish you the best!

  4. Tind, it could have been me writing your post. I am on the 7th week since break up and 4th week NC. Haven't heard anything other than his last text message a month ago in response to an apology I sent. His text read, "I've been thinking about you a lot." After that, complete silence and at this point I'm no longer expecting to hear from him.


    Please be strong. Words from the wise here on this board. I know it's hard. I'm experiencing these same dark times. If it's meant to be, it will happen.

  5. It was very interesting to read through this thread. I would agree that reconciliations are quite common. They just aren't posted here as often. I think most relationships reach a point where both parties need time to evaluate. This is the case with mature couples, meaning they've been together for a year or longer.


    My story is not a success story...yet. I just have a strong feeling things will take a turn. It's just a matter of when. I was dating a 37 year old man for about a year. I'm 31 no children and never married. Needless to say, I'm ready for that step in life. After college and a failed relationship, I met him. From the very beginning I thought, this was it. He's the one. I was very straightforward about where I was in my life. He has custody of his children from a previous relationshipp. We were a family and I was pretty much a step mother. I didn't realize that he may not want to grow the family. I became insecure about the future of the relationship and doubted him. This eventually took a toll on him. We had a series of problems and then out of no where, he decides to end things saying he doesn't want more children, but more importantly he didn't feel we would ever resolve our problems...my negative mindset. He gave up on me. I calmly packed my things and moved out. I tried to reach out a couple times, he responded saying he's been thinking about me a lot. After that, complete silence. He never responded to me ever again. I have furniture stored in my parents house that belongs to the landlord of the furnished apartment we rented. He never responded about picking that up. We broke up a month ago but I stopped trying to contact him 2 weeks ago. I just need to give him space. There are times I think he has made up his mind and will never go back on that, but I have faith he will turn this around. I've also gone on his Facebook page and he has been posting photos of flowers he sent me, quotes, and songs. I try not to look too much into it, but he knows I'm looking at it and I believe he is trying to get a reaction. I have always been the one to go running back to fix any problems we've had in the past. This is the first time I've completely let go of the rope. If he changes his mind, he has to show me he wants this for the roght reasons.


    I am trying to respect his decision and I am giving him space. At the same time, I'm slowly starting to work on myself. Exercising and I've even started counseling. I found myself in church, haven't been there in about 20 years. I am going to come out of this a better person...with or without him. I'm practicing patience. I don't want to bother him again. I'm just going to wait until he comes back around. I have faith that if he loves me and has faith in us as he tried to instill in me for months, he will contact me. He's quite stubborn and that makes me doubtful I'd hear from him again, but I'm hopeful.


    Hopefully, I will be back to update my story. Wishing all those who are in a similar situation lots of luck. Sit tight and have faith.

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