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Posts posted by Lisii

  1. I'm glad you listened to your boys and came here instead of going to your parents with them for the holiday's. (your parents who only 2 x in 9 years made an effort to see them)


    I cant explain in one word how I felt when you walked past the restaurant my gf and I were eating at the other day... it was weird, I was saddened to see your frame - you use to be broad and confident and smiley.... there was none that in you. Another friend asked what you looked like now, (and I had no clue as I didn't greet you this time) so I googled a recent photo of you for their interest and I guess mine - as I ony saw a snippet of you, and only recognised you because My (our) sons were on either side of you... I was shocked, you look so sad. Your eye's don't look like a person that would be happy in their 2 year marriage to the OW you left your family for 9 years ago, my first thought was - ahhhh karma, but then No, my heart feels for you - that you were sucked into this disillusion that things are greener on the other side... I guess I kind of pity you...


    I pity you as you have missed out on the best years of your childrens lives, I pity you that you are not involved with their milestones, their first proms, all their firsts as young adults, getting their licence, getting DUX, going to their graduations, getting first parttime-jobs seeing them florish in their chosen fields, I pity you that you have no responsiblities as a father, I pity you because you are not happy. It sadly doesn't make me feel good, I knew this day would come, but even though it's what I always wanted, I feel sad as it looks like life didn't live up to your expectations with this OW, and we all suffered for your "fight against us" to have her.


    We are doing great, the kids are loved from awesome role models, (my family and friends and even their Deans and tutors), my heart is bursting with pride to how we 3 survived, we stumbled and broke so many times, but we are together as a firm unit.. we are compasionate to others and motivated | excited for today and our future... so very much so.



    I'm glad you came and saw the boys, I hope you made an effort to meet their friends (and girlfriend) see their schools, their hangouts. It must be hard to see these fine young loyal and level headed men as your sons, and knowing that you had no role in building them up to be just that.



    I wish I had just one word to sum this up...but I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you planned.

  2. The weather is a melted marshmallow sky and streets of molten lava. Occasionally the breeze from some giant blow torch passes for "refreshing".


    What a beautiful description.


    it's a blah day here - grey sky, damp, not overly cold and not warm - 2 weeks until spring! yay!


    My WT-Forecast app says "Oh look, the sun finally decided to f888en show up" lol... I think it's on something, there is no sun.

  3. I knew that birth control pills have some negative effects. It's common sense.


    haha! that explains a lot


    My first day back at work after a week off - hit the snooze button 3 times and dragged myself to the kitchen for Coffee - Why am I so exhausted?! is it this age thing? boo!

  4. also, when you send someone a very professional and polite email, and the "professional" sends a one-sentence reply with typos and "lol"s, "k"s and "C ya"s. i don't expect servility, but i expect professional manners. i'm not your homegirl.


    on the kitchen stuff, i am grossed out when i see people "wash" a mug they've just used by running it under the tap for three seconds, wiping the coffee stain off with their bare hands.

    eff that, dirty slobs. i haven't had a sip out of anything other than my waterflask and cups dispensed straight out the machine since forever.


    gross people. gross.


    I find it strange when business people I do not know put a smile face at the end of a business email... Where is the professionalism?


    Ewwww Ewwww.... - cups need disinfecting, I'm sure I caught my first cold sore from a not properly cleaned cup - hot hot water peeps!


    Thanks Coily! nice to have my back!

  5. Does it make me a horrible person that I refuse to put the teaspoons in the dishwasher at work with the scoop side up... I'd like to think people take them out with the handles and not touch the scoopy part (yes I am that person...

  6. People don't respond anymore? No return emails? No return calls? It's definitely a pattern, and a change from a few years ago. Everyone is busy, I know, but, such widespread loss of common courtesy? Or is it me? Am I off-putting?


    And, ouch, my hand hurts~!


    No it's not you, people "forget" - things have definitely changed out there.

  7. Can't tell if I'm just getting less tolerant of people as I get older, or if people really are just getting dumber and more selfish.


    I'm the same... I've never been happier living in my bubble, stupid selfish people are not invited.

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