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Posts posted by coldmoon

  1. Day 9


    Maybe I should stop writing here, and just do it when he tries to contact me again, if he ever do it.


    I am feeling better, yesterday was a difficult day for me to handle, but I did not write to him again, what makes me feel more confident and more in control of the situation. Game is over for him.


    I'm glad you feel better today, stay strong

  2. Yes, that is for the best. It sucks when they won't acknowledge you, but that makes it easier to let go. You are forced to.


    Yes, thinking about the fact that we are forced to and have no other choice kind of helps me going on. I wish it wasn't like this but it already happened and is in the past now.

  3. day 13, spended time with family today but still think about my ex constantly. I also spoke with a friend today online and her ex contacted her, they became friends again and will see if it becomes more. I hope my ex will contact me someday too. Meanwhile, i made a list of stuff to do for tomorrow to distract myself.

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