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Posts posted by charity66

  1. I think that you should find someone you trust outside of the family, like a person at church, or a school counselor, an adult friend of your parents that you have known for a while...tell someone outside of the family how this is making you feel and ask them to talk with your dad. Tell your dad yourself that you do not like it and you don't think it is cute and if he doesn't stop it you will tell someone who will. Either way, you shouldn't have to have anyone make you feel uncomfortable in any way in your own home.

    I hope this helps in some small way. Sometimes life just stinks and you feel trapped but there is always some way to fix most things. Keep your chin up!

  2. Have you tried to give her milk, juice and the good stuff in her sipper cup and at night only give her a little water in her bottle? Eventually she will see that she isn't getting too much out of the bottle situation. Also i agree that the sipper cup at night with water only would be a substitute.

    About the potty training...My daughter was potty trained by 18 months by just letting her experiement by see what mommy and daddy did. They want to grow up and not have wet on their skin all day!

    Good luck

  3. First you must realize that there are always 2 stories to every situation. If you do not feel free to talk openly with your mother, go out and buy her a card...just a simple I love you card...and write her a heartfelt letter. Tell her what your dad has told you. Tell her that you are not trying to start any trouble, just that this is making your life uncomfortable and knowing, no matter how bad it is...is better than guessing at the worst things. Explain that you are old enough to know what happened and you need to have closure on the subject so you can go on without this stress. Plus you are working for this man that your dad said this happened with so that puts you in an akward situation. If it is true, maybe your mother can talk with the other man and you can be moved to another area at work where you won't ever run into this person. If in the future, you feel it is just too much stress on you...there will be another job in your future, especially if you give your all where you are at now.

    I wish you the best and please talk with you mother. It is the longest lasting relationship you will have in your life and I'm sure that you are missing the closness you once had. But as you said, she doesn't even know what is wrong and that is not fair to either of you. If you she knew someone had told you, I'm sure she will be glad to set the record straight for you. Leave the card on her pillow before bedtime ...sometimes it is easier to talk then when all is calm.

    Best wishes and I hope you find peace soon.

  4. I have been through the same situation...the best thing for you to do is start a journal. Write in it every night your thoughts and feelings of everything that happened that day. Name your journal so it is easier to "talk with" get it all out, not hiding anything. Write especially about the current situation. How do you feel when you see him and he lets you know it isn't you he wishes to spend quality time with? How do you feel when he leads you on so he can be with you, but not in your life? They always say actions speak louder than words and it is true. His actions do not lie because most can not control that. He is doing this to you because he can. He can still see you and have other women in his life at the same time and no one is stopping him. You are the one hurting...not him so it is up to you to stop it. Finding other men to hang out with helps, even if you don't want a realtionship with anyone...they are great at reminding what a looser you ex is!

    Your journal, if you are truly honest with yourself...it will give you insite to how you are feeling about this person you say you don't want to live without...but I can guarentee that once you read what you have written about the way he treats you, the way he makes you feel inside...it will be easier for you to not ever want to be with him again. It took me about 8 weeks of being pushed out and writing about it before I realized...I DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS

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