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Posts posted by rainethbow

  1. i disagree. (i dont care if the word "flicking" sounds innocent, it isnt.) i think that what went on IS affection, especially, when flirting. its basically the tiniest form of affection you can show to someone thats in a relationship, and vice versa.(if youre the one in it) i think its bad news all together, especially if SHE thinks its okay. im telling you, ive witnessed this hands on.

  2. NOT overreacting. heres a really really honest reply..

    ive done that.

    and guess what.. i was flirting

    guess what else

    i was in a relationship.

    youre not overreacting.

    i deserved for him to be mad at me.

    try this.. describe, to her, YOU doing the exact same thing.. except with a coworker female "friend" of yours. see how she really feels then.

    good luck

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