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Posts posted by purple_haze444

  1. hello there, thank you for hearing me out. well i consider myself to be a nice guy, i can get a little rowdy with my friends, but, i'm a really funny dude, i usually can make people laugh often, so why don't i have a girl friend? I just don't think girls are interested in me, what am i doing wrong? O yeah, and i have been getting stretch marks around my arms stomach, and around my nipples, some worse than others. will they go away? how much do girls care? please respond ASAP or drop a message in my box. THANX MUCH.

  2. ok first of all i put on a few pounds over the summer because i was at my grandma's house and she's a cook'n fool. but i started to get stretch marks on my arms and stomach, they aren't too bad but i wanted to know if the will go away if i lose weight and how much do girls care about them??? o yea i'm also wondering about penis size. not trying to be a perve or anything, but i'm 15 and at 6". is that small for my age?

  3. i was on prozac for a little while about 4 months ago cause i hit rock bottom well i thought and had scars all over my wrists and it really helped now i'm off it and don't plan to go down that road again. don't kill yourself you might think of it as the best way out and everything is better now but i had a friend kill herself and it was a very hard time on me and everybody who knew her. so don't put people through that kind of pain. i hoped this helped you.

  4. i'm no dating expert but if you can't see your b/f everyday try to find a way to see him if possible ie. meet at the mall or anywhere for that matter. If that can't happen tell him it won't work but tell him that you still feel the same way that you did and you still want to be friends and hang out at school. i hope this helped you. good luck.

  5. man sounds like you're in a real pickle here. so she likes you more than a friend too right? um let a little time pass and see what turns out. if that doesn't work go with plan b. come straight out and confront her, if you two are doing more than what normal friends would ask her about the relationship between her and her boyfriend and if she is more interested in him, well stay good friends with her and let the clock tick tock by.

  6. hello, this is my first time here but i need help. there is this girl that has relatives that live accross the street from my house and she visits i think every weekend. i think she is totally beautiful and had been way too scared to talk to her. me and my brother went over there one day cause we are friends with her family and she was there. we were all just talking, you know just wasting time. and my step-sister started hanging with her and my step-sister told me she wanted to know if i wanted to go out with her. how should i approach her and what should i say, i've had relationships that started like this and never were successful, I NEED HELP!!! (PLEASE)

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