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Posts posted by MorrisseyIsGod

  1. Haha, that's so funny... last year (sophomore year) there was a boy in my history class that I liked.... i wrote him a note for valentine's day and gave it to him along with a gift. turned out he liked me too and we are still going out 8 months later =D


    give it a go.. i worried about rejection but if that happens, so what!! and if it works out..... EXCELLENT good luck! be brave. i was a nervous wreck when i gave him the letter.

  2. Hey, well I haven't made out with my boyfriend in one month. I know this may sound silly but it's really frustrating me to no end. Oft times I find that I can't even concentrate in school since I'm so distracted. Today I thought we had planned on going to his house (and thereforeeee making out) but somehow he misunderstood and we didn't. Then once he asked me over to his house on a day he already knew I wouldn't be able to come. He rarely will ever bring up making out (and yes we used to do it a lot) anymore and kisses me once in a while.. usually when I am mad at him to make up!!


    It's hard for me to tell him how I'm feeling about this, but I really want to.. any help/advice/suggestions are greatly appreciated!!



  3. omg..................


    i have been in the same situation for 2 years and i never figured out why i was always wet and stuff. i thought i had an infection or something for a long time. THANK YOU SO MUCH for enlightening me. wow.

  4. I was 16. I was sooooo incredibly nervous.. my boyfriend had been asking me for a kiss since pretty early on in our relationship, since he had kissed before, but I made him wait over 2 months until I was comfortable and ready Don't do anything unless you want to do it, and don't rush things! Everything will be much more memorable that way.

  5. I don't really like kissing in a movie theatre because I find it's a really awkward angle.... I always am the one who has to turn my head awkwardly and lean over to my boyfriend because he doesn't really turn his head. lol. so usually we don't kiss too much during the movies.

  6. Hey -- Don't worry. I felt the same way you did when I started making out with my boyfriend a couple of months ago. I would go along with stuff while we were making out but when I got home I would feel really guilty and awful of what I'd done, thinking it's too much for me and how I shouldn't be doing this.


    However, now I am more comfortable with both him and myself and I feel more at ease while making out. I know that I will never let things progress beyond 2nd base until I am an adult at the very minimum. thereforeeee, I know I am in control of the situation and now I'm happy and thoroughly enjoy making out!!!!!

  7. ******* ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only) *************


    Boxers or briefs:

    Curly or straight hair: straight

    Tall or short: medium-tall

    Six pack or muscular arms: muscular arms

    Good or bad guys: good

    Hat or no hat: no hat

    Ears pierced or not: not

    Tan or no Tan: tan

    Dimples or not: doesn't matter.. either way is cute

    Stubble or neatly shaven: ahh.. neatly shaven

    Rugged or sporty: sporty

    Studly or cutie: cute

    Accent or not: yes!! British will do!

    Glasses: no

    Smart or dumb: smart

    What sport should he play: SOCCER! alas my boyfriend only plays video games lol. he used to play hockey and basketball though. but he follows international soccer like me

  8. I am half Asian (Chinese) and half Caucasian (Swedish, Finnish, English, and Scots) and I love Scandinavian and British guys!! I find that I'm not attracted to Asian guys, although when I went to Japan I saw a lot of really attracted Japanese men. I attend a school that is about 80% Asian in San Francisco so I knew I was in trouble... However my boyfriend is half Asian (Filipino) and half white (mixture of everything European except, ironically, neither British nor Scandinavian!!)

  9. Hey.. I have always wanted to do this to my boyfriend (of five months) but I'm too afraid to. lol!! I know he once said he likes it when I am aggressive or take iniative though. Maybe when he comes back from his vacation (he will have been gone for 2 weeks) I'll do it.

  10. Lol! Hmm. My boyfriend always wears pretty loose jeans so when we are making out I can never tell if he's getting one. I would never ask because I don't want to embarrass him, but I am curious. If I am sitting in his lap when we make out he shifts his legs a lot and if we are laying down he pulls his shirt down a lot to cover that area. I guess he is self conscious because he is getting one? I don't know I can't tell.

  11. I think most people end up dating someone of their equal attractiveness.. for instance, you always see a beautiful guy with a beautiful woman (the exception being trophy wives, but then their husband has a lot of money or power, that being the balancing factor in the materialistic part of the relationship). I'm sure you will find someone even if you are "ugly." Besides, everyone gets old, ugly, and wrinkled eventually! Looks are only temporary, it is the personality that matters in the long run.


    At first glance, it is looks that attract me to a guy. Also, if a guy is not too handsome but is a great dresser, that makes him more attractive. Moreover, personality will attract me to a guy; it just takes longer to kick in!


    I have been going out with my boyfriend for four months and it was a combination of his looks and personality that won me over.. but after a week of talking to him in class.. I realized what an awesome guy he was (looks not even being a factor) and realized I was crazy about him!

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