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Posts posted by hammett

  1. ok thats cool. now, another thing, (going to go into a personal situation now haha) theres this guy who called me a chick (hott is the way his friend put it) what do u think my chances would be with trying this with him?? do u think he would totally push me away or w/e?


    Put it this way, for you it is really a win/win situation.


    Scenario 1: You take the chance and catch him off guard and plant one on him. He will most likely be thinking "What the?! How awesome is this!" Then continue on with the kiss.


    Scenario 2: You take the chance and catch him off guard but he pushes you away and says "Uh, what are you trying to do?" Leaving you embarrased and thinking "Man I just made a fool out of myself". Chances are he will tell his friends and they will give you crap about it...BUT! You can just fight fire with fire and say the he is the most frigid person around and is so scared of being touched by a girl that when you kissed him he pushed you away because he blew his load, leaving you triumphant in victory and thus making you wiser in your selection.

  2. Just kiss her! just kiss her on the lips and hold but dont slip the tongue in and then pull away slowly, and if she stays there go in the for the kill. man, think about how much of an idiot you woulda looked like infront of her when you didnt kiss her. girls see it as a weakness, they want someone with confidence, who can take control of the situation. be that type of person.

  3. At the movies, just go see a movie thats in second week showing during the day, usually not many people, just find a isolated spot to sit towards the back.



    make sure wash your hands before you touch her, remember money has germs, and butter from pop corn shouldnt be used as a lubricant


    The movies can be a very awkward place to do things. Just the acutal place you are at and it can be hard because your sitting down. Just go to a hotel/motel type thing and ask for a room for one day. Thats what me and my girl plan on doing in Summer. No one is gonna walk in, no interruptions, and your girl will have a safer feeling and the better the experience the more she'l want it.

  4. why do the men think about them selfs


    The Titanic. Who got off first? Women and Children. Whose idea was it? The fellas. Everytime I do something I check to see how its gonna affect my girlfriend because

    A) Its what most blokes do

    B) Its a nice thing to do

    C) I do it because I think thats how she should be treated

  5. Hey. Personally, i get sick to my stomach and want to gag when my close friends are all over each other with their bfs... It just makes me feel more lonely, esp when ur girls all have guys. I think to be polite it isnt bad to show some affection...But please please please dont be one of those couples that just constantly are sucking face and in their own world. That is what turns people off majorly... in my experience at least.


    That kinda sounds like jelousy...


    I think its ok to some extent. If he starts feeling you up like crazy then thats when people are gonna get pissed off. But nothing like just hooking up in the movies.

  6. gogol


    Dude, he didnt ask if he thought it would be ok by the Bible if he grouted out his girl. The bible says a whole lot of things and what if he intends to marry this girl anyway? People should stop trying to force their own religious beliefs onto others and let them live how they want. He might not even believe in god.


    Just take your time down there and ask her what she wants you do. Just take it real slow, if your hooking up with her at the time just pull away and kind of move towards the south but kiss her chest, inbetween her breasts and her stomach till you get there and then kinda start slow, finger her a little, keep going etc etc.

  7. The best game known to date I think is an adaption of a drinking game. Its called James Bond.


    When your with your girlfriend/boyfriend and there just "happens" to be a James Bond movie just casually ask if they want to play the James Bond game with you. They will usually ask what it is.


    How to play:

    When watching a James Bond movie and the James Bond game is being played you must, from the first second to the last second, everytime the words James Bond are said in the movie, kiss. It can be a full on with tongue or just pecks or whatever. The drinking game is the same but you can play with your mates and everytime the name is spoken you take a shot of Whiskey. This game is no doubt the best way to score and also a legitimate reason to get drunk.

  8. Just cos your in a serious relationship doesnt mean you cant have fun. Im in pretty serious relationship with my girl now but I reckon its more fun if your in a serious one than not. We do pretty much the same thing as we do now as when we werent really serious, movies, parties, going to each others houses, the beach. Im going to the snow with hr next week, dont get that in a serious relationship...just tell this girl that it will be just as fun if its serious or tell her it doesnt have to be serious until you make it serious.

  9. I have another question with this one....My GF says she doesnt feel anything when we do kiss. I've thought it meant i need some improvement on my kissing and ive tried...i really have. Even when I am kissing her on her neck she feels only faint pleasure. When I kiss her on her ears (nibbling and such) thats the only time she says it feels good...I dunno what to do, I want to make her feel as good as she makes me feel...pleeeese, any help guys?


    Put your hands up her shirt and go for the breasts...dont grab them, just kinda skim over them with your hands. If you feel her kinda tense up a little when your kissing it means she felt something. Pull away and ask her "Feel anything?"

  10. Granted I'm not a woman, this is stuff my g/f seems to enjoy


    Touch her softly in the arch of her back while I'm actually kissing her, holding her above the hips when were going in / out of the kiss.


    But as for during the kiss, if your just starting the relationship, I would say defiantly focus on the kiss, learn her style enjoy yourself! As long as you are enjoying the kiss she probably is.


    Yeah my girl tends to like it when I put my hands under her shirt and put my hands on her hips and run my thumbs kinda inline with her hip bones. Or if I put them just below her bra and another good one is just to have your arms round her.

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