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Posts posted by redfire

  1. hello guys, i really need some help. last weekend me and this guy i've been talking to got into like a really heavy makeout session, it got to the point where his penis was at the entrance of my virgina. the thing is that i have a yeast infection that he doesn't know about and i just read online that guys can get it too, i don't know how to broach the topic and im feeling really embarrased right now. he says he wasn't wearing a condom, but i think he was any way. i don't know what to do. should i warn him just in case he gets it too? ( this is not the kind of thing i want this guy to know about me, first off he works with me, and second i would just quit my job if i did find out that i had given it to him. anyway please let me know real soon cause i'm suppose to be talking to him tonight?)

  2. oops: hey guys i've got a question for you. i have a very embarrasing condition, one that has kept me from being itimate with a guy. i have huge breast, thats not the bad part the bad part is that i also have hair on them. i have hair all over my body except for the palm of my hands and the bottom of my feet. the hair on my breast are really long, but unfortunately they are the same color as the hair on my head black, and the skin on my breast are very light so the show. they are very short, but it embarrasses me, and i am afraid of what would happen if a guy got close enough to me to actually see them. so guys how would you react if you founld out the girl you was with had a hairy chest?


    a question for girls if you have this problem, how do you deal with it.

    please help me

  3. thanks for the advice guys, but, when he tried to kiss me again he kinda caught me by surprise and i ducked out of the way. but i'm starting to wonder if this guy even likes me or is just playing with my feelings, he never askes me out, doesn't really know that much about me, and tells me stuff that i find very discoraging like today he told me that he likes girls that are light skined, have hazel eyes, instead of the usuall brown, skinny long hair and pretty feet. i only fit one of those criterias, but he also told me that i was beautiful and that i had a cute smile, great body. he is really confusing me. lately he's been talking about sex and inviting me to have some with him, i'm a virgin and i told him this, every time he makes some kind of reference to sex with him i always tell him no because, he wants the sex without the relationship and i just don't want to do that. i'm really confused i really like this guy, he is really sweet and those references to sex he made seem to have been made jokingly but i don't know how to tell when he is serious and when he is joking.today he had touched me alot not in inappropriat ways, i mean like trying to hold my hands, hugging me . i don't quite know what to make of him, i want to go out with him, and i have invited him a few times to hang out with me and usally he has an escuse to why he can't go, and i'm just tired of being rejected like that, so i'm really afraid to ask him agian. he knows that i like him i told him. but he hasn't really made a move. did i mention that we work togeter, and usally he see's me in my work uniform. a few days after i told him that i liked him i had to go to work without my uniform so i got dressed up to impress you know, and apparently it made an impression on him because that is when he started ackting like he wanted to get to know me better before that, he just kind saw me as the girl who he worked with. becuase of the sex questions i'm wondering if he respects me as a person, cause i don't think that someone who liked a girl and respected her would make such references over and over again. he's a really cool person which is why i like him so he doesn't make the work environment uncomfortable for me. but he does make me wonder weather i should just give up on him and admit defeat. i'm tired of w ondering around tring to establish a realationship when i don't really know how he feels. so quiting seems like a really great idea right now. please give me some advice.

  4. hey, i'm 19 and i have never been kissed before, there is this guy that i really like and i think that he wants to kiss me, but every time he tries i duck and start giggling i don't know what to do. i'm kinda imature when it comes to things like this for the simple reason that i have never done any of it before. please help. and some advice on kissing would be nice to. thank you

  5. Hey update on situation.

    i took the advice given to me and told a guy that i like that i liked him, and asked him if maybe he felt the same way. the thing is that he never gave me an answer and now ever time we talk its like we never ever had that little chat, i'm taking that to mean that he doesn't like me like that. i'm i right, does his not answering mean that he doesn't like me like that? please give me some advice.

  6. hi, i'm a 19 year old female who has never been on a date, or kissed or anything, i have no idea how to attract the attentions of a guy i like. i have been approaced by guys before, but not ones that i like. there is this guy at my job who i work with, and i have a major crush on him. i am talking to him, but i have no idea what the heck i'm doing. at first i thought everything was cool, that he was starting to look at me more as a gf than a friend, but i found out from some other coworkers that he flirts alot, and that he is currently chasing another girl. i think i may be getting some signals from him but i have no idea what the heck they mean. and i don't know what kind of signals i'm sending to him. a friend of his had given me his phone number and i told him that he said it would be ok if i called him and i have called him a few times, and we've talked but he has never called me back and i don't know what that means. at work we hang out alot cause its usally just the two of us working together and we do get close alot. a few times when he noticed that my name tag was crocked he would insist on fixing it for me, and considering that name tag is over my overabundant breast i think he might have just been "coping a feel" i don't know though, he is a really nice guy and really sweet and helpful, so it could have been innocent. anyway if you could help me please send me some advice. i am like so desperate for some advice

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