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Posts posted by thornz

  1. I already see a therapist but I’m not really feeling any benefit. So far she actually keeps telling me that I’m doing great and have developed some fantastic skills and coping methods but I just wasn’t feeling good at all. I intend to tell her I’m not feeling any benefit when I see her next.


    I think those saying focussing too much on the books can be negative are right. I think I was a bit in my head with oh no how can I get better, need to really focus on my therapy and getting better.


    I have been trying a few things, recorded hypnotherapy, affirmations and meditation for self esteem and confidence (some by Marisa Peer) and I do feel like something has shifted. When my ex ended things with me I was very focussed on taking care of myself and it gave me a particular feeling that I’m feeling again in the past few days. I think the change from “get better” mentality to “take care” mentality is probably helping.


    I notice I’m not worrying so much and my constant intrusive thoughts aren’t negative or abusive, they have become more neutral. If this is down to the few recordings I have been listening to then I think that’s pretty impressive!

  2. So I’ve been doing research into how to improve my self esteem. I came across a “celebrity therapist” and hypnotherapist named Marisa Peer. She has a lot of videos on YouTube and has done Ted talks etc. Her theories seem to make so much sense but I’m struggling with her claim that she has transformed severely ill patients after a few sessions by treating the 3 core causes of their issues, rather than the symptoms of their depression etc.


    I have been trying out one of her practices for the last few days and I’ve got to say, I do feel a lot better and that’s making me consider purchasing one of her courses (she has free short ones I could trial I think). I can’t find much evidence of her being a therapist etc as google searches come up with mostly her videos and website but her courses etc have been reviewed with high ratings on blogs etc.


    So I’m wondering if anyone here has tried her courses etc and could vouch for her or say actually she’s a self inflated phony? I know the few reviews I’ve found on blogs are good but I’m skeptical, they could have been given it for free and felt obligated to give it a good review.



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