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Posts posted by downout

  1. I think you can get laser surgery to help remove the scarring. I dont know how expensive it is but I know for a fact it can help. At the very least it will lighten them. Have you considered working out to improve your self image and confidence? Its also a great way to relieve stress as well as being healthy for you. I think its important to just be yourself, and as you said trying to be the happy guy all the time isnt working its possible people think you are trying to hard or giving off a fake impression or something. I mean if you are angry or upset then let it out, dont walk around with a big happy grin just to please everyone. I mean really, if they dont care about you then why should you care about them. We arent here to be socially acceptable and attractive in every situation. I understand how frustrating it is finding a quality girlfriend. I myself am 28 and having a hell of a time even getting a date. One thing is though as you get older its harder mainly because most people are married and single girls are harder to find. Even going to the bar where there are lots of people isnt all that viable because the crowd is usually younger and for me personally dating someone who is 18-22 kindof bothers me. I would rather have someone close to my age or max within 5 years though I may be forced to break my own rules since finding someone is so difficult. You can also try online services like link removed or lavalife. It isnt a guarantee but at least its another way to meet people and at least you know they are single. I have been on match for over a year and still havent had a single date yet so dont feel so bad. Dating does come incredibly easy for some and insanely hard for others.

  2. Ah man dont even worry about it your only 14! You got lots of time to mature and change your attitude towards girls, if u were 40 years old and desperate then it would be different but you have plenty of time I mean heck you havent even got to highschool yet. You will ample opportunity either at school or work and you arent even legal age to go to the bars yet so dont sweat it. When i was your age I was just having fun and thats what you should be doing. Dont worry to much abou girls right now the best is yet to come.

  3. Damn that sucks but like you said at least you told her about your true feelings rather than let it eat you up inside and wonder what would have happened had you not told her how you felt. Im sure it was hard being rejected but you layed all your cards on the table which I commend you on doing. You took a risk and it didnt pan out in your favour this time but who knows maybe next time it will be your lucky number. Thats cool that you are still friends as well, I know someone who did what you did but the girl changed towards him after he confessed and didnt want to be friends at all anymore. Guess it all depends on who it is.

  4. Also, Down&Out.....we are both in the same city! I would love to know the bar that you went to. Maybe even try pubs....people are a lot more friendly there...more open, social, and having fun. I could give you some names of some that are really awesome!


    Interesting, small world isnt it. We were at Cowboys that night and may never go back there. I hadnt been there in a long while and my friend i went with actually used to work there many years ago. He even wore the t-shirt they supplied him with when he was working there to hopefully bring us some good luck with the ladies but it didnt work. I do go to pubs every now and then. I am still not 100% comfortable approaching strangers cold all the time though. I mean even if i go to pubs with a friend and dont know anyone there, i still have to approach girls and take risks so either way its basically the same thing. It can be hard approaching a table of like 4 girls all by yourself though I have managed to do it a few times. I just joined the gym recently so maybe my luck might be better there as I like to work out. Btw do you have msn? I am always looking for new friends. I dont know if you are as shy as I am but it would be nice having someone to talk about it with since none of my friends really understand.

  5. I just wanted to know what anyone thinks an acceptable amount of rejection is for one night. Me and a friend went to a nightclub a few weeks ago not with the intent of meeting ou rsoulmates but maybe a friend or at least some social interaction and at the very least have a good time. Anyways we were trying to chat up girls all night, ask for dances, or even just plain conversation. Unfortunately we were rejected multiple times in a single evening and it really started to get to me. I must have been snubbed like 6 times and I know i have to start taking more risks to find someone and "put myself out there" but getting pushed away so many times is really damaging my confidence. I know I have to stay strong, be positive and dont give up but when u get rejected that often it is really making me wonder. The worst part is this has happened on more than one occasion. I do my best to shrug it off, but I would be lieing if I said it dosent hurt and makes me feel bad about myself. I personally dont know anyone who has been rejected that many times in a single evening but I went home that night and many others lonely, sad, confused, hurt, and wondering what is wrong with me. I cant believe how hard it is just to get a date never mind a life partner, its ridiculous. The thought of having to face many more rejections just to find a single person to say yes just dosent seem fair somehow, I really wonder how everyone else does it and it comes so easy. I just dont get it..........Any input would be appreciated.

  6. Asking someone out that you do not know is always a chance, but it is a chance that a lot of us has to take.


    You know what has to be done, and since it involves moving out of your comfort zones, well done. Remember that there are other places to meet girls as well, through friends, work, gym, online even, evening classes.


    Keep doing what you are doing, trying to be friends with that person first, and you will eventually find a date.


    Thats essentially what I have been doing. Trying to establish a rapport and get to know them on a friend basis first before making any premature advances. I am getting better at reading body language and finding out if they have boyfriends or are married. That seems to be the biggest problem, most girls my age, 28 seem to be in a serious relationship or are married. I honestly only know 1 girl my age who is still single and that kind of sucks as the pool is very small to choose from. I mean i can talk to all the girls I want but if they are all happy with where they are then I still end up alone and bored.

  7. It' so awesome that you can move out of your comfort zone like that. Many people refuse to do that. However, you should ask yourself why you want a girlfriend? You should go out and meet people only with the expectation of having fun and making some new friends, not finding a partner. Good things come to those who wait, anyway. So... I think you should just go out and have fun meeting people. Eventually you will come accross the right one who will want a relationship with you.


    I want a girlfriend simply because I am human and 28 years of being single is really making me sick, literally. I really want companionship, someone to be there for me and someone to get close to. I have been hanging around my "single guys group" thing for to long and I want something more. I mean I know you have to have friends and a balance in life but I have far to much male contact and very little female interaction. Going out and meeting new friends can be pretty tough as well but at least I am giving it a whirl. One thing I do notice is that most people sort of stick to their group and dont really socialize outside of it. That makes it hard for people like me who are out there trying to meet someone and hopefully find a girlfriend. That unfortunately takes time which at my age working full time and such u just dont have alot of it. Maybe good things do come to those who wait but honestly if I have to wait another 5 years for something to happen it will drive me crazy. Its possible nothing may come to those who sit around and wait.

  8. Well I am 28 and I still dont have a girlfriend but lately I have been forcing myself to become more social and to start taking some risks. I recently met an attractive greek girl through my neighbours g/f. The 4 of us were over there one night drinking, laughing, and partying. Anyways this girl Tula said I was gorgeous and we kissed like 3 times and I was laying on top of her on the couch for a while. Then out of nowhere she said she had to leave. I think she wanted to go all the way but as I am kind of shy around girls I wasnt quite ready and I guess she figured this wasnt going anywhere. I was kind of drunk and I forgot to write down her number which she gave me. Its been a few weeks and i still havent gotten her number as my neighbour thinks she isnt the kind of girl I am looking for at this age so I didnt really press to get her number. He said that I might be to nice a guy to be with her as she is more outgoing and open than I am as well as being about 5 years younger. kind of regertting this now because I asked him again yesterday to get the number from his g/f and I heard she might now be seeing someone. I guess I should have done it that night just so I could at least get some experience.


    Recently I went to the movies with a friend and approached 2 girls sitting together at a table whom I found very attractive. My friend has a g/f for 5 years so I went up to them by myself and asked them if they might like to hang out later. They rejected my offer saying that they had boyfriends. I dont really know if they were telling the truth or not but I was surprised I was able to sum the courage to do something like that which is totally out of my comfort zone(approaching two strangers). Of course I was disappointed they didnt accept but what can I do.


    I have also been going to the clubs recently after a 3 year hiatus and have been striking up converstations with men and women and was able to approach some nice looking girls and get quite a few free smokes on more than one occasion. I met one girl named BJ, she told me right away she was married at 23 but we still talked for like 2 hours. At the end of the night she said I was a cool guy and that she liked me. I was still down though because she is already taken and that seems to be my biggest problem. Even though I am starting to move away from my comfort zone and take chances it dosent seem to be paying off. I know that to get a girlfriend I like I have to take some risks but when u keep doing it over and over and have nothing to show for your efforts it becomes very depressing. I am trying to go out with a smile on my face, be friendly, look interested but it is starting to get extremely difficult. I always seem to have to initiate the conversation and I really wish someone would initiate it with me for once. But I guess when people dont really care about you or dont think highly of you they just pass you like a rock on the street.



    Ok I looked at those statistics and frankly that is very depressing. Its almost like saying its useless to even post a profile with such low odds. Also I have been active sending alot of winks and teases to girls on these sites, I havent been sitting around waiting for someone to contact me. I even payed the membership fee at link removed just so i could email this one girl who by the way was hot. I have gotten a response, only 2 though. One of them I was interested in but we never even talked so that was over in the blink of an eye. My profile has been viewed like 130 times but still I get nothing. BTW feel free to look at my profile on link removed look up Calgary,Alberta,Canada my username is ricerocket101. Tell me if i am ugly or something is wrong. I encourage any input from females. Also what do you mean by directly handling the situation? Do you mean online or actually going somewhere to meet people? Im all in favor of going out to meet someone but after being rejected multiple times It is killing my self-esteem. I am a sensitive person and I cant help that, I can only take so much. I dont know why life is so unfair. I also graduated post secondary school and cant find a job.

  10. how weren't you attracted to them, cause if it was looks thats not a good way to go by asking or not asking someone out... if that was the case i would never go out with anyone, no one would ask me. and that would suck.


    Its hard to explain why I didnt like them. There were issues with who I was at the time, I was only like 17-21 when I got the most female attention but I guess I didnt really know what i wanted, I was immature and now sadly years later I am regretting it. I guess I always thought I would have plenty of options even as I got older, and how wrong i am. There were some that I was just not attracted to at all. Im not saying you have to be a fitness model but if there is absoultely no attraction at all it is difficult to want to get to know someone based soley on personality and have them "grow" on you. Others I just didnt seem to have alot in common with, I also think that because I am kind of shy it is hard for me to be assertive to women when I need to be and I fear I have missed many opportunities because of this character flaw. It has taken me this long to realize that and I am pretty disappointed with myself. Oh yeah one woman at work who liked me was married, had kids and her husband actually threatned to kill me when he found out she has asked me out to coffee.

  11. I am a 28 year old single male who has never had a girlfriend. This isnt because girls havent liked me, infact i know of about 10 who did. My problem is i wasnt attracted to any of these girls and thus I never pursued any of them or asked them out on dates. The women I am attracted to always reject me or ignore me and I dont know why this is. I have been rejected like 5 times in the last 2 months and it is killing me. I try to stay positive but I am losing it. I am not a bad looking guy though I am shy and a little introverted. I also ask girls directly and dont play games or try to be someone im not. Whatever the reason is I seem to be cursed and I cant seem to catch a break with anyone im attracted to. I look back now and with my opportunites diminshing to meet single attractive ladies in their mid to late 20's I half wonder if i should have just dated some of these girls I didnt really like but at least I would have some companionship. Though I think about it and it wouldnt really be fair to me or them. Unfortunately most girls im attracted to at this stage in life are already married or engaged. I honestly dont know where I can find someone to do stuff with anymore. There just isnt anywhere to meet people anymore. It seems my options are exhausted and I am outta time. I have my profile on 2 online dating sites and still nothing. I fear i am doomed to loneliness.

  12. The most important aspect of your appearance is to feel confident and happy with who and what you are. I think we all have features about ourselves that we wish we could change and in this day and age and after watching the swan it is possible to siginifcantly alter your looks with extensive plastic surgery. I know its hard to feel confident and good about yourself when you arent happy with your personal appearance. But we are who we are, you were born that way and there is nothing wrong with feeling good about that. Also everyone is attracted to something different some like fat some skinny some like blue eyes and others like black. Its important to find someone who will like you for who you are and there is someone who will. With that being said there is nothing wrong with improving your physical image. A good diet and excercise has incredible benefits both physically and mentally. You might even meet someone in a local gym while working out. I personally love to swim, it works all of the muscles in the body and is low impact. As for excessive body hair I guess you could try nair or something like that. Laser hair removal is permanent though fairly expensive. A rhinoplasty is more drastic but I guess if you feel your nose is really that big or you want to re-sculpture it then go for it though it looks fine to me. Clothes can help but i believe its whats wearing them that really counts.

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