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Posts posted by JohnOO8

  1. This is the update from my previous situation in which i was atempting to get a girl back at summer camp. The update is as follows: i met a new girl named nicole who brought the relationship to a new level, farther then i had been with lauren and thus doing so eventually severed my love for lauren. i was so over her that i was able to burn her pictures. It turns out lauren was just a backstabbing -----!. Nicole and i are now apart however we live close. we did break up. I am most happy that someone has cured me of this depression. i would also like to thank those at enotalone who had responded with their thoughts to my posts. Thank you all and have a great rest of the summer yourselfs

  2. Hey, just in case you don't know the scoop here it is you can read it now by clicking the following link: link removed


    Ok, i am going to see Lauren in about 6 days. Woah! after reading my story, how do i approach her, what do i say. What do i do? Do i try and impress her or ignore her?


    All advice is welcome, if you possibly could give a descriptive idea about what i should do and how...


    Because of your advice i am hoping to see results even though it is not a guarentee... If you would like an update on the situation it will be posted as a new topic in "Getting back together" Topic" It is ment to be this way" (that could be either she loves me again or she has rejected me. it will be posted most likely Augest 1 2004.


    Thank you all just for looking at this post, but as always please respond or Pm or IM me if you have any advice or response....once again all is welcome. Looking to see your replies


    --John 8) 8) 8


  3. Thanks woobie girl!... i will keep you updated. The moment i have waited for is coming soon. Lol by the way by the looks of the alien crossing his fingers 0X when i saw it i thought he was giving me the middle finger an i was like thanks alot lol

    0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X Ok thanks for all your help you have also helped boost my confidence thank you all. you do not know how much i appreciated it....

    Woobie girl PM me or IM me. lets talk

  4. Thank you all. I will keep you updated. unfortunately i havent seen her since last year an at a reunion. I am a building ready to fall or made stronger. I wont be back until augest 1st. I will update you though the topic will be entitled "The Update, back to being me"


    Thanks all once agian

  5. Here is the story once again an at the bottom the conclusion


    Hi, I need real help. I met this wonderful girl at my summer camp named Lauren. me and her were so close it was amazing. i was in a living heaven but like the imperfect world we live in i lost her. I made a mistake and we broke up. I thought i would get over her in about 2 weeks it would be no big deal. I was wrong. It has been one full year now and i have realized that i am in love with her. I have been givin another chance to go back to the summer camp we met at. I am going and so is she. Her friends all want her to be with me because they think we make a good couple. It has taken so much to bring myself back from this. i have spent so much time building my confidence. I am a new person. I have mended my ways. I need her. I have talked to her alot these days and she said she would go back out with me, however i have not asked i would just be to hurt to get hurt, instead i am waiting till i see her in person. I feel very controlled after 360 days of wondering if this 50/50 chance thing is going to work the day is coming and fast with only 22 days left. I will need extreme help rebuilding after this if she rejects me because i will be in a deep depression and most likely not be myself. she is the only one who i love or care for so deeply. i am thinking i am insane taking a whole year and for what a 50% chance back with her its like im getting her back with a coin flip. lol. Someone please help me what do i say when i see her. I am scared. i want to be with her forever. please tell me what to do i need help. Like i said i have changed just for her. Do i really go through with this or should i walk now and save the pain?if i can get her back my life is set!... If she rejects me what do i do. The main question here is that i love her she at this point does not love me/but that can change thats what her friends say. to her im just there for taking if she pleases and i feel as though my love is for her and she doesnt love me back.. How do i get her love???



    Now is it time to give up? I can't put myself through this much longer. I'm not sure what to do. Do i give asking her out a shot or call it quits before i get to hurt? My will is dying slowly so help me please. It controlls me this whole situation an i strive for the answer yes or no to going out with me. i want to get it over with. Yet at the same time im concidering calling it quits to avoid being hurt

  6. Don't worry ima guy an lemme tell you some of us look for greener grass and some will think you ARE the greener grass. It's basically trial and error. Find a guy date him, if he isnt what u want .. TO THE CURB! an keep looking there are guys who love with their heart not just their Cockadoodle


    Best of luck


    never give up on it

  7. The truth is its been nearly a year now and i am going to ask her back out when i see her (in 19 days) WHAT I WANT?: i want her to love me because i love her with all my heart.. we talk all the time now but the real question is how to start a relation ship over since i was hurt when she dumped me. I did NOT cheat i said something to her friend that made her angry

  8. Hi, I need real help. I met this wonderful girl at my summer camp named Lauren. me and her were so close it was amazing. i was in a living heaven but like the imperfect world we live in i lost her. I made a mistake and we broke up. I thought i would get over her in about 2 weeks it would be no big deal. I was wrong. It has been one full year now and i have realized that i am in love with her. I have been givin another chance to go back to the summer camp we met at. I am going and so is she. Her friends all want her to be with me because they think we make a good couple. It has taken so much to bring myself back from this. i have spent so much time building my confidence. I am a new person. I have mended my ways. I need her. I have talked to her alot these days and she said she would go back out with me, however i have not asked i would just be to hurt to get hurt, instead i am waiting till i see her in person. I feel very controlled after 360 days of wondering if this 50/50 chance thing is going to work the day is coming and fast with only 22 days left. I will need extreme help rebuilding after this if she rejects me because i will be in a deep depression and most likely not be myself. she is the only one who i love or care for so deeply. i am thinking i am insane taking a whole year and for what a 50% chance back with her its like im getting her back with a coin flip. lol. Someone please help me what do i say when i see her. I am scared. i want to be with her forever. please tell me what to do i need help. Like i said i have changed just for her. Do i really go through with this or should i walk now and save the pain?if i can get her back my life is set!... If she rejects me what do i do. The main question here is that i love her she at this point does not love me/but that can change thats what her friends say. to her im just there for taking if she pleases and i feel as though my love is for her and she doesnt love me back.. How do i get her love??? Thanks all God bless the USA and please help me

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