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Posts posted by eiala

  1. Dear Justice,


    It's true that you're a brave, intelligent person, like Sirius said.

    Onestly, when I read the topic line on the forum, my first, spontaneous thought was: she must have been a very cute, well-looking baby!


    Don't mind to upset you (I know what deep emotional problems mean), I just seen a nice part of the story. You possess something so angelic and beautiful, that even an animal can see it! They just don't know how to behave and, being stronger, they only know to posess. That's what their behaviour means.

    I have a very personal view on people and their behaviour - I have a large view and I'm not so afraid about their personalities. You don't have to consider monstruous all the behaviours that people are terrified about.

    With few exceptions, people are not monsters! And what they do, is usually explainable (see the above explanation for example) by their emotional features (irrascibility, lack of control etc), lack of education, poor judgement, bad caracter etc. Everybody has different features like this in different quantities and if you're attentive, you can descipher them for each person.


    Do not think your life will be a forever mess because of what happened! What happened does not define your personality unless you want to have advantages from being a victim. Prove everybody that you're stronger - stronger than everybody and people will respect you for ever.

    About your mom, she should be mature. But maybe she's not perfect. Maybe you're not even so much alike. So, don't let yourself very influenced by her attitude or way of dealing with things. The right attitude in front of life is a personal thing!


    From my own experience, the salvation was when I realised people don't like very much people with problems - they like assertive and successful people - and I focused on other interests than my psyhic (like - clothes, make-up, books, friends, cars, nature, courses etc.)

    I recommend you read some books by: Jaques Salome, Anthony Robbins, maybe Osho.


    Plan to give up medicines (if I understood correctly and they are medicines for the psyhic) after a while (after you tell your counsellor that you want to do that). Plan a term in which to do that - for example: after what I'll be able to spend about 4 hours a week laughin' or when I'll be always cute and well-dressed when going out or when I'll be able to spend 4 hours a day doing something that I like without remembering my problems.

    If you go to that point, I give you a diploma!

    And if you already can do that, it means that you're already fine, and you just need something more challenging in your life.

    If I didn't understand you very well, please reply and notice me.


    Thank you

  2. We can presume that only half of the population is mean and sensitive-less. If you enlarge your friends circle you'll find the correct proportion - I mean you'll be able to see how many - from all the friends you have are acting in this mean manner and how many don't.


    If 4 from 5 friends do treat you like this today, tomorrow get read of them and find other 4 - maybe from the new 4 only 2 will act like that. Get read of them too!


    It's not easy to change the people that you are staying with, but seeing them will hurt you on long-term, and your self-esteem will fall more and more - I say this from own experience.


    Be realistic - it's a pretty big effort (to meet new people and give up old friends) but it eases your life and assures a good future instead of a neurosis.


    Believe me, there are a lot of good, sensitive people too.


  3. Hi,


    Here's my very brief experience: I graduated law - at the beginning, exactly like you, I didn't know what's all about - and I practiced for 2 years, because it was my first job and I got that job with no effort. But what really meant this: when I finished school, my father told me that he won't give me money anymore and he found this job for me - so I accepted it. I left that job because I didn't like to practice law and I didn't like the company and in present I'm almost jobless.

    Summary: I never liked law even if for rational reasons I graduated it, and I couldn't keep practicing it. But because I'm already "old" I cannot go to another faculty anymore so that I'm in a stupid situation: I can't practice law but I don't have any other valuable diploma and still I have to work for living.

    If you believe that after 2 more years you'll be able to start a new faculty and you'll have all the resources for it, you stay. If not, maybe you should ask your parents for help right now, not when they'll xpect you to win money as a lawyer.

  4. To Hero and any other good folkes :


    Would you please give me a piece of help: I'm looking for a subject for my diploma...and I'm interested in the "assertive personality type".

    Searching the internet I found 2 meanings of this expession - in the popular language (like when people describe themselves or in the job-related ads) - "assertive" describes somebody rather aggressive; in your presentation (Hero) and in other psichology-related sites the "assertive" man is the "perfect" guy.

    Please, I would need some links to an accurate description of the aggressive-assertive type!

    My intention is to check if the next suppositions are true: in nowadays society the aggressive-assertive type became a generalised model of behaviour - it's a behaviour pattern required everywhere (at the supermarket as well as on any job) - and the sensitive type suffers a discrimination because of this.

    So... if you know where I could find information on this subject...

    I'm from an eastern-european country and I don't have an easy access to printed works and latest research on psychology, so...the internet is my only hope!

    Thank you!

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