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Posts posted by thegoodgirl04

  1. Ya mean over the weekend? I will be around this weekend because I'm closing on a condo that is only a mile away from where the apartment is, so when we are finished painting I'm going to start moving my stuff to my new place. I also called my landlord to have them do a walk through the day I am all moved out so they can see what shape the apartment is in when I leave. I also asked them if they could send me my part of the security deposit to my new address, our lease is up at the end of december. But I will be out before then, paying for december.

  2. I think it maybe too late for us, there is a back story that goes with this, she is really lazy and I am always the one doing the cleaning even if I say something. I will just hope that this weekend comes sooner than later and get out of there!

  3. Thanks chigal! I like the suggestion of her replacing or paying for something that is damaged or stolen.

    I told her I was uncomfortable with him being there, but I never said she couldn't have him over, just to let me know or make sure either her or myself was there if he was there (like I said I'm not around most weekends so I don't know what goes on when I'm not there). This is really freaking me out that he is a convicted fellon!

  4. Hi everyone

    It's been a while since I've been on here, so hi everyone!

    Anyway, I have a roommate issue that I hope you could give me some feedback on. I have been roommates with a girl (28) for about a year now. I just bought a condo and am going to closing on Friday and moving out with in the next two weeks. Well, over the weekend she had a guy stay over (no big deal) but the guy is her x who she broke up with last year because he cheated on her (taped the cheating), has sold drugs, been in jail, and has stolen.


    She (not to my knowledge) has not been seeing this guy, although I'm not around most weekends and stay with my boyfriend who comes over on Sunday nights.


    Well the apartment is funished with my stuff except for her room everything in there is mine, I'm not comfortable with her having this guy over. I sent her an email which she ignored, so I stopped her this morning on the stairs as she was leaving. I asked her if she had this guy over (I didn't see him but my boyfriend did) and she replied with an attitute yes and that they were not getting back together and to mind my own business, I said to her I don't care if she is seeing him again but I wasnt comfortable with him in the house, she said he had changed and that it wasn't fair for me to say that. I asked her to let me know, and to make sure someone is in the house with him at all times until my stuff is moved out, after that she can do what she wants. She said something smart which I said I thought it was funny how she was sneaking around and that I couldn't wait to move out. I know that last part was a little immature but it really pissed me off that she gives no crap about my stuff and having this guy over putting me and her in a strange postition.


    Is this my business? I say yes because I live there also and it's mostly all of my stuff in the apartment. Any replies would help!


  5. I think your right, I just have to keep my eyes open. This is a fairly new relationship so we aren't spending a ton of time together at present anyway. It's not like he doesn't make plans to see me and he told me that he wanted to plan a trip to Maine in the fall. I think he was just letting me know that school is important to him and since his dad is paying for everything, he would feel bad if he didn't give it 100%. Thanks guys!!

  6. Yeah I do have a pattern of that, but hoepfully I've learned my lesson. He's been in school for about 2 years now and from our conversations seems to take his schooling very seriously. In fact he told me last night that school is his first priority and that is one of the reasons why he broke up with his last girlfriend because she resented the fact that he wanted to wait to get engaged after he finished school.

  7. Hi guys, hope everyone is having a great summer.

    I started dating a great guy, we have a lot in common and seem to connect and communicate on the same level. We are very honest with each other and our respect and admiration for each other grows every day. OK so this all sounds great right? Well the thing is, he used to work for a medical company, but decided to go back to school to change his career a few years ago. He used to work and go to school but his father offered to pay for his school and living expenses so he wouldn't have to work and could fully concentrate on finishing school. He's in his 30's and I can't help but wonder if this is a red flag. We talked about it and he was very honest with me and understood my concerns.


    He asked that if I was willilng to be patient and just have fun with the relationship, that if it turned into something more signifigant in the future that he wouldn't disappoint. His main concern is finishing school and I really think he's brave for going back to school and working for something that he wants. But at the same time, I have to wonder if it turned into something more serious, would this guy be a "good provider" or is he going to live off of his dad forever. He doesn't seem like the loser, leech type (I should know, I dated plenty) but I am concerened just the same. On one side I think it would be a crying shame if I didn't give it a chance, and I would always wonder "what if" if I decided to stop seeing him just because he's trying to better himself. What do you guys think? I always get great advice here so thanks in advance!

  8. Hi everyone!

    It's been a little while since I posted I feel a lot better! But I have a question about dating. I met a great guy who has a lot of common with me and we seem to have a good connection so far. But is is too soon for me to be dating, my ex and I broke up in march and I went through some rough times but I feel stronger for it in the end. I don't really think about my ex anymore and I feel like I maybe ready to start dating again. But is 4 months too soon?


  9. Thanks whatcha it's just so strange now to try and get used to a normal life, a life where I don't have to worry about what he's doing behind my back. The funny thing is he used to tell me he would never cheat because he knew what it felt like. Whatever! The kicker is about two weeks after we broke up he went and slept with his ex and told me he did it just to spite me and that he didn't care about her, would never user me like he used her. I asked him why he wasn't going to be with her and he said no he wasn't and that he put his profile on link removed already! I did a really nice job picking him out huh? Jeesh!

  10. I know it's hard. There are A LOT of gray areas, but the things that he did to me are not gray, and their the things that stick with me. There were a lot of red flags that I choose to ignore, I won't make that mistake again. I just hope that I'll be able to get over it and share in a healthy relationship with someone again. I think it's a blessing that I'm not really in the mood to be dating anyone just yet, it's giving me a chance to heal. Good luck to everyone!

  11. I've posted on here (I'm glad to say, means I'm getting over it a little). I'm trying to give myself time before dating cause when I was trying my heart wasn't in it. But today is a sort of hard day. I guess because it's raining, but I find myself thinking of my ex and wondering what he's doing. It is still kind of a shock as to how he turned out to be, well I guess you can't always judge a book by it's cover. I had a thought, we were always doing something, hiking, biking, running around and I think we were doing that to keep our minds off of how things were not right between us. Strange how you can look back on it after a few months and see things so clearly.


    I miss the things we used to do, but I most certainly do not miss him. He caused me a lot of pain and anyone who truly loves me would never think of doing those things. I am still a little confused as to why he would date me but still talk to his ex, I still take this very personally. I know I shouldn't because it's a flaw in his character but sometimes it hurts still.


    Hope everyone had a good holiday and I hope everyone is doing well!

  12. Hi everyone!

    I hope everyone is doing well! I just got back from a mountain biking clinic in WV where I had a great time! Well this morning I am on link removed checking it out (I know my ex is on there so I blocked is account so I don't see it when I do my search) and I am scrolling down the page and I see his profile! Crap! I don't know if the blocking thing didn't work or if I wasn't logged on but I saw him and it made me feel horrible! Also he has last been on 5 days ago! So my mind starts racing thinking crazy things like he's seeing someone or his ex. Then I stop myself and remember how crappy he treated me and how he lied all the time and how that probably won't change once he dates someone else and how I would never be with him even if he did come back. I was thinking during my LONG drive yesterday about how I couldn't trust ANYTHING that came out of his mouth, I would think of things that he sad to me and then think "Who knows if that was true!" and how I can't believe I was with someone who was so unsure of themselves for so long. I only hope there is someone out there for me, I'm not completely ready to seriously date someone yet, but I can only hope it's not too late!

  13. Hi everyone,

    It's been a while since I posted but I am doing better, getting over it almost.

    But will the thoughts that creep in ever stop? He doesn't deserve to be thought about and I wish that I could just stop. I don't think about him that much, but those little thoughts that creep in are killers sometimes, especially when I'm alone. I am taking a break from dating, it's for the best really I'm only doing myself a favor by getting to know myself and figuring out what I want instead of what someone else wants. And to all of you who are coming here fresh from a break up, it gets better I promise. But the main thing is to get out there and stay active no matter what! Keep your mind off that ex cause they certainly are not thinking of you (harsh but true most of the time).

  14. Hi everyone,

    I have some good news! I entered a mountain bike race a few weeks back, well it was this morning and I placed first in my class! I would like to extend a "thank you" of sorts or rather a big one fingered salute to my ex who always made me feel I couldn't win a race let alone be in one. If we never broke up I would have never won!

  15. Thanks tough! The awful thing is that he slept with his ex two weeks after we broke up and it totally eats at me! It's like they were meant to be together, when he told me about it I said well now you guys can be together he said he didn't want to be with her and just used her and didn't care about her feelings the way he cared about mine and would never just use me the way he used her to get over me. Nice guy huh?!


    The line is from a cindy lauper song that pops into my head from time to time, I think it's from the movie Goonies or something! lol!!!

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