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Posts posted by overthemoon86

  1. 5 months to the day....


    WOW, I cannot believe I am here...5 months later and if I was to take my own inventory, I would say that I have so much more to do to work on myself. I am definitely still on the rollercoaster of emotions and I am sure my crazy partying isn't helping at all, it only numbs the pain temporarily. I woke up at 4:30am this morning to go for a run, for a split second when I first woke up I thought you were laying there with me...then my reality snapped me back to my lonely apartment. Today was tough, but I did get some great news. I am looking to relocate to a new city and I have a second interview request for a job in that city. A glimmer of hope that I will be okay. I just miss you more than I ever thought I would. I hope you think of me sometimes.

  2. To stay in line with the thread I have a success story to report. My own. My ex and I broke up in October 2012 and we've just got back together. What happened? After a year of NC I decided to reach out and ask how the ex was. We became friends again. And I was there to support her through some recent stresses and it made her realise that of all the people in her life I was the one who was always going to be there and so she asked if we could try again. We still have work to do but it'll be that way for the rest of our lives.


    JJ2980, that's really amazing! Congratulations and I wish you both all the best

  3. Day 91...holy cow, I cannot believe that I am here...I never thought I would make it this long...was it easy? heck no! Was it worth it? I definitely feel better than I did on day 1 that's for sure. I still think about him and miss him every day, but I no longer feel the terrible pain I did before.


    I am doing NC for me and no one else

  4. I am not even sure what day it is....we haven't talked since he broke up with me...which was Jan 23rd. He ends our 5.5 year relationship with a 10 minute phone call...which sucked, but there is nothing I can do. I can't force someone to be with me when they don't want to. And to be honest, a lot of it was my doing, I was never happy, always complaining and I know I made him feel that he was not good enough. He was done with my behaviour.


    However, I ran into him Monday night at the bar. You can read my latest thread for all the details.


    Back to NC and back to me. Hopefully that doesn't reset it, we didn't exchange any words.

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