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Wander The Way

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Posts posted by Wander The Way

  1. I don't think it's gonna work.. I did talk to her for around 5 min then.. i decide i should wrap it up and says I gtg.


    She seems to be angry at me. Maybe I shouldn't ignored her like that..


    I guess my main reason of wanting her back is that I owe her something.


    I didn't like her much at first, until we broke up. I figured how much she have done for me.


    Well these days, I can get my mind off these topics and stopped wanting her back etc... but I still do like her.. just dosn't feel right to like her in a way

  2. Whoa there Buddy!!


    I did the samething.

    I ignored my ex and etc..

    I thought I was doing great on "no contract rule" thought it was workign well.


    I notice my ex still talks to me on aim.. sometime i block her..

    or tell her to leave me alone.


    I hardly talk to her at all..


    maybe I want her to feel the pain i have gone throught... but

    I'm not sure.. I think I mess up my entire plan of getting my ex back....


    This suck.. Just realize it now

  3. Well.. I have been a bit negative.

    And I figure my way of "no contract" rule did not help.

    I ignored her several time.

    Block her on aim.


    She still seems to care a lot.. ask if i was ok..

    and i kept telling her to leave me alone.. and stuff like that.


    Well any suggestion is welcome.. Just trying to figure out what to do.

  4. If i would consider anyone my sister..

    it's either They are


    I really care about them, like caring as a sister.


    i would really doubt that woud effect his decious on going out with you


    Yea i just got dumped so I doubt i could give any advice right now.

    ( i feel a bit crestfallen these days )


    but really you should at least try to ask him out.

  5. I can't ignore the past.

    the moments of love

    I can't forget the time

    we meet and (something needs to be here)

    I won't forget you, Nicole

    It's carve into my heart.

    Yet, I cannot let go of my life,

    I have to move on...


    By : Wander The Way



    help me here.. I'm trying to finish this thing*


    just keep looking for chance,

    but if you really are freak out like this, i doubt it would work.

    Just do you best, i mean i'm sure this happen to 80% of people here Especialy on the first time asking a person out.


    and just maybe... he might ask you out instead... but don't count on that.

    No matter how shy you are just try to talk him throught it.


    and if he already know that you like him, get to him and say "i need to talk to you for a minute" he'll understand what you need to say. I'd this should work out. Just don't act shy. or it's hopless then might as well as giving up

  7. Well not long ago my gf dumped me...

    She was feeling guilty about liking someone else.


    I did read the artical on tips do / don't do.

    I think i already mess up the first step,

    Wondering what could i do now. I wanted her back.

    I loved her deeply...


    I did something that kinda got her angry, well I think she is ok now.

    She seems to be ignoring me sometime but not always... So i guess the no contract rule "works" in a way...


    I do like to talk to her on aim a lot, she usually get bored so she like to talk to me on aim too


    oh and feel free to talk to me on aim because I'm bored easily my current Sn is

    Wander The Way

  8. You guys have to remember....

    if she did like you before, she would probably still have feelings about you or why did she like you in the first place?


    what you are doing is holding back, and the more you wait.. the long this will take. heck.. you might still be Wondering whether you should send letter or not after another year or so..


    This is a lot like a risk of thing, you may be right.. she might think you are a a crazy idiot after all this time..

    but hell if you like her..

    might as well as taking the risk

    or what else could you do?


    basically the exact samething i have been posting..


    Well first of all, i'm guessing that you both dosn't know each other well.. or why would u be blushing?


    Get to know her.. be friend with her. Then this blushing will fade

    Blushing mostly means you like someone and i'm sure they can tell by that if you are over doing it.


    if you want to get close to her, talk to her.. make her laugh

    give it all you got..

    remember sense of humor is an important thing to keep a girl entertain..

    try to help her and be nice to her a lot. Then she just might begin to like you too.


    you could ask her for partner purpose.. project etc...

    math and stuff.. if you wanted to be closer with her..

    but currently you are blushing a lot so that won't work out


    so be friends with her first.. then thigns get easier along you "Way"

  10. Hello


    And I understand what you are saying about being shy. I was the same way when i was in school. So lets see if we can consider getting a little more confidence and overcome that shyness of yours. Never will anything beat the direct approach. It works 99% of the time. First take a deep breath, then walk right up to her and say to her. How would you like to go out for a bite to eat and a movie ? And I'll bet she says "GREAT". Don't worry about the other guys. You can only control what you do and say. You are not competing with them. Just be yourself.


    Go get her


    Good Luck, have a super date






    I agree.. It's not that you are shy.. it happen to everyone.. until you are use to this stuff. Think about if you are going out with her and still being shy... how will this ever work out?


    the best thing for you to do is try not to let her know this... until you get her know al ot about you to see if she is interested..


    and get to know her at same time, cuz then.. you'll know if u truly like her or not.. not by look but personality.


    then final step.. Ask her out



    Hah.. This happen the exact time.. when i finally found my courage.. It is very hard!! Well keep trying (don't feel bad because i ran and chicken out 5 times.. and never told Becky until friday) Keep looking for chance...

    if it dosn't work, Grab him it. Such as "Hey, ricki can i talk to you for a minute. If you are too shy, try to get a friend to talk to him and distract him. WEll I'm a guy.. so this might not work for you.. but it's worth a try if you have nothing else to do

  12. Hm... Just don't blush around her

    at least try not to.. because things would get complicated and she'll probably notice that you like her.


    What you should do


    1. Since she is in your class, this shouldn't be a problem. Try to let her get to know you. Of course why would she like you if she hardly know you at all?


    2. Get to know her at same time... people are normaly a lot diffrent than you think.

    remember if you guys can't get along well.. what about your future?


    3. if all works out.. be the first to ask you out...

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