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Posts posted by SAMRA2

  1. I'VE BEEN WITH MY BF FOR 7 MONTHS NOW, and we have been in a long distance relationship for a month now. ever since iwent away, i am having troublesome feelings on if i should end it. i feel that i can live without him, but on the other hand i;m afraid if i make that decision that i will later on realize i need him more than i expected. does the pure fact of being confused mean you 're not in love with the person, or is that normal? when ur in love - even after the initial butterflies disappear- are you supposed to be sure of feeling if its "true love" or is having changing feelings still mean ur in love?

    I am askign this because i have to make the decision of breaking up or stayin in. he loves me like crazy.

  2. my bf and i had sex in a rear entry position last night for the first time and it was very umcomfortable to me. i felt like he was very deep and that his penis was pushing against a certain wall or membrane inside. i dont get that feeling when we do it in missionary though.. what could be the reason? he really likes it from behind so i would like to know why..thank you all

  3. so a real orgasm should include the shaking of the whole body ie trembling? i do have orgasms that include the pelvic muscle contractions but not whole bosy trembling. and to robowarrior: you're saying i should continure to touch my clitoris DIRECTLY even thought i get this unbearable whole body sensation? you mean it'll fade away or strengthen?

    girls you opinion on this!

  4. when you wanna have a clitoral orgasm do you stimulate the clitoris itself (the tiny tip that is very sentsitive) or just around it? for the first time my bf touched my directly on the clitoris and it felt like electricity wired through all of my body. i cant describe if its a good or bad feeling, but its intense and somewhat unbearable. is that how an orgam is? i have had orgasms beofe but nor directly on the clitoris and they didnt feel like this at all.

  5. my guy and i have been together for over 3 months now and he still avoids discussin sex. i mean we havent done it yet and i want to (am a virgin) but he always says "we'll talk about it when its time" whenever i bring up the subject. is that normal? we do pretty much everything else.

    ps says he doesnt want to involve sex in the relationship because he doesnt want it to be routine and that it will minimize the effect of everything we do now(everything besides actual sex).he hasnt done it with his previous gfs, only with some girl he barely knew.

    SO? should i believe him? any other explanation?

  6. thanks maggie18, i know what ur sayin is right and that i shouldnt fake it, but takin too long just kills the mood and i want him to know that i am happy regardless of havin an orgasm o0r not. i want him to feel that he can please me likei please him. i just dont want him to get tired and bored while doin it.

  7. i've never had a real orgasm with any of my boyfriends, and becoz it takes so long for me to get excited and touching me down there must be in a very specific way, i am afraid it will just drag on the sexual mood and it would be just tiring instead of sexy. SO, i fake it all the time. i know its wrong but i do it so as mybf wouldnt feel inadequate. (and he isnt). so any of u guys know a way to make the clitoris more sensitive to touch? i even thought of taking pills that highten the sex drive maybe it would help in achieving an orgasn faster and it wont need so much time? i know u may think its stupid but i think its a real problem for me.

  8. ii talked to him about it and he said he has never done it and is not ready to..he just doesn't like it. he said he wont mind if i dont give him oral either. i mean what is this ? we should be tryin to make each other happy not remove good stuff. we had a big fight , i told him i just thought it was fair that we both get it. he said hw wouldnt ever do it and that it wasnt personal.

    the actual oral doesnt bother me but the attitude does. why wont he even consider it/? maybe the idea disgusts him..is it ok ? is it just like me refusing a certain sex position for example? i dont know what to think or how to think.. this is serious so please help me.

  9. ok so we went to the beach. but i couldnt bring it up! i mean i couldnt find the right conversational setting to do it. i couldnt just pop up and say why wont u go down on me?? well after all ,i felt a little relaxed coz i had something urgent and couldnt spend the night with him anyway. well am planning to ask him soon but i want the subject to be opened naturally..BTW i shave completely and regularly and funny enough ever since we've been intimate down there he started shavin too..probably thought i preferred shaved guys if i personally shaved! well it aint the case though. u guys have any tips on how to push him into a nice naughty chit chat so i could open up the issue?

  10. ok so i think we will be intimate tommorro. we're goin to the beach then i think it will be perfect for some playin around . i'll try to bring it up on the beach, kind of sexy setting too..maybe it'll give him a push and SLIGHTLYBENT i'll keep u guys updated for sure.. by the way THANKS for all the suggestions some were pretty crazy..i really like the blindfolding idea

  11. i think i might take the advice of belladonna and just ask him playfully in a neutral situation when sex isnt involved. i am afraid he'll say he doesnt like it..in which case should i stop givin him oral too? i know what his argument's gonna be: he thinks that if we prefer different things then even if he doesnt like goin down there and i do for him then i shouldnt stop simply coz he aint doin it to me. to him its a matter of personal comfort with the thing. but to me i think that if he wont do it(even if its out of personal unexplainable unease) then i shouldnt do it back(even if i do like it)..so guys whats the more reasonable argument?

  12. HOW CAN I NONVERBALLY ASK MY BF TO GO DOWN ON ME?we've been together for 3 months now and i perform oral on him but he never did it to me.well i never suggested it, i was wonderin if he has anything against it personally. we dont have sex yet so oral is usually as far as it gets(and some fingering). how can i hint to him that i would like him to return the favor?

  13. my bf wants me to do "something sexy" for foreplay or oral( or anything out of the usual you may say.) any suggestions? he's into unusual stuff(he loves me to use my feet on his penis for example) so i was wonderin how i could impress him with some wild unexpected thing(already done the cream thing and the blindfolding). HELP?

  14. my bf did the same thing with me and i felt very rejected at first, i didnt understand. but we've been together for 3 months now and he's great, takin things slow and we havent had sex yet.

    he explained to me the same things ur said and at first i thought it was foolish becoz yes usually guys are alll over the girl and its weird when they say no. but i think its their right afterall ha?

    JUST TELL HER YOU THINK SHE'S REALLY SPECIAL AND THAT YOU WANT YOUR FIRST TIME TO BE AS SPECIAL BY WAITING AND KNOWING EACH OTHER MORE.and of course dont forget to assure her how beautiful she looked last time and how attractive you think she is(women need to HEAR it!)

  15. I PROBABLY BELIEVE ITS HER AGE THATS AFFECTING HER. 43 is gettin closer to menopause and hormonal changes could be affecting her. there are several solutions that doctors can propose(estrogen patches under skin, estrogen shots..)

  16. well congrats coz u got urself some good guy there. my current bf is like that, he didnt even kiss me until i did it the first time coz he said he wanted me to be comfortable . its a very good theing actually coz guys are usually the ones who take the sexual initiatives. anyway the problem with the sweet type guy is that YOU'll have to take it a step further EVERY TIME. so if he doesnt take further sexual advances with you dont be discouraged or annoyed. he just wants you to be ready for every step you make. you know most guys are usually ready ANYTIME!

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