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Posts posted by nick23

  1. Trueheart,


    Thanks for the response. Here is our story in a nutshell. Dated for about 18 months, then I am assuming she lost interest in me. She would never initiate us hanging out and never really wanted to go out. Eventually she said she cant be in a relationship anymore an she wants to be single.


    Fast forward now two months after the breakup. She still calls or instant messages me to start the random conversations. A couple of weeks ago she took me to the movies. I think she is just trying to keep good ties with me incase the next guy she meets doesnt work out.

  2. Steve, my situation sounds very similar to yours, minus the travelling part. I think you should continue doing what you are doing, letting her initiate all contact. By doing this it will help her move on, with an adequate amount of time for her. Then when she is ready you will see a change in what she is saying to you.



  3. Thats a good idea. I think I will not say anything about m eseeing other women unless she asks. If I do say something it will seem like I am trying to make her jealous, and I dont want to start conflict like that. I am at the point where sure i would like to think we can get back together, but in the past couple of weeks I have realized there are tons of fish in the sea.

  4. Hi everyone thanks for the responses.


    Just a little information, we dated for about 18 months, and according to her I was the only guy to ever treat her right.( Only one to never cheat on her) She broke up with me just needing space and to be independent.


    I really dont want to ask her how she feels about me next time she calls or instant messages, because if she wanted to she could tell me without me asking. I have done all I can do, I mean she broke up with me. I just dont see why she insists on still talking to me once in a while. I think next time i talk to her I am going to tell her that I have gone out to meet new women, and to see what kind of response I get.


    thanks everyone

  5. My girlfriend broke up with me 2 months ago, and I initiated no contact about a month and a half ago. If she initiates contact I do talk back to her, but I am not being all needy, because honestly I am over that. She just asks how I am doing and then goes on to talk about herself, i keep my responses short and just say I am doing great. I am already talking to new women, so at this point getting back with her isnt really a priority to me, but about once every two weeks my ex will contact me for chit chat, about nothing really important. What does it mean?


    The only thing I can think of is she is trying to leave me on the backburner, just incase whatever new guy she meets will treat her bad.


    What do you guys and gals think?



  6. Time does heal all wounds, even though at times you will find yourself thinking about her. It has been two months for me now, and I find that when I think about her now, I start remembering more of her flaws instead of positive things. With time you will begin to notice why you are better off without her.

  7. Matt, I am in a similar situation with my ex, she only wants to see me when she asks but when I make an effort to do something with her she brushes me off and doesnt talk to me for days. It seems with my ex she cant go a week without atleast speaking to me.


    Continue working out and having positive thoughts, its only going to benefit yourself. Think of all the new girls you are going to attract more instead of trying to attract your ex back. It really is true that it takes time to get over someone, even though you may never fully get over them. Keep doing what your doing, its the right thing. In time if she truly loves you she will come back to you once she realizes how much of a good thing you are or once the first guy she meets treats her bad.



  8. After not talking to her for a week since she picked me up from the airport, she instant messages me to ask how I am doing, and eventually asks if i want to go see a movie. I agreed and we went, I did not act desperate or anything everything was just fine. She even bought my ticket. I dont understand her actions....she broke up with me...claiming i was smothering her and she needed space. why does she still call once in a blue moon and want to hang out? On a positive note, tonight was good because i really did not feel like i missed her when i saw her, and also when i dropped her off.

  9. I am in the exact same boat as you man, after 2 years she "didnt want to be in this relationship anymore" yet she still wants to remain friends. Just like everyone has said, do not contact her at all, let her do that. She might start getting worried as to why you suddenly are not calling her anymore. Also, when you stop calling her it gives her time to see what she is missing, and it also shows her that you may have changed the clinginess on her that may have caused the break up...hope this helps.

  10. I know the feeling man...my ex does the same thing. She will instant message me and start the most random conversations and it makes me mad. I do not let her know that though.


    Its ok to respond to her text messages, just not to every single one, just like you are doing. Dont worry that you contacted her once, as long as you didnt say anything like you missed her.

  11. XXatti: yes she did sleep in the same bed, but no she didnt cuddle. But she was never a big fan of doing that anyways.


    amaranth_04: You are right, she probably did forget it, its just hard for me to accept that as an answer. You know what I mean right? And I know she doesnt want to get back with me right now, but its ok because every day that goes by the less I want to get back with her. The negative's she has definitely outweight the positives.


    Thanks for the feedback!!! Anyone else have anything to share about this?

  12. Hi every one...I wont go into deal about my breakup (she broke up with me) but its been a little over a month now that we are apart. We have seen each other off and on, nothing serious. At first i would call all the time, but after finding this site i dont really want to talk to her at all. I am trying the no contact rule to the best of my ability.


    Anyways, my birthday was last week, and i was expecting her to call to atleast wish me a happy birthday. Well, when she got home around 10pm she instant messages me and starts some small talk, not even mentioning anything about my birthday, kind of just saying off the wall things. Well I tell her I have to go and leave in my away message that its my birthday and I am out celebrating etc.


    She calls me an hour later and leaves a message wishing me a happy birthday and sorry that she didnt say it earlier. Her excuse was that she just started her new job and has been really busy, and that she was really sorry. She called me about 4 times that night. The next day...the day after my birthday, she puts it up "Happy Birthday Nick" in her away message. Well, she calls at this point and I act like everything is fine, which it wasnt and she should have known that. I told her to make it up to me she can drive me to the airport for a 5 AM flight I had to catch to Florida, and she said she would do it. (this isnt something she would at all like to do....she never gets up early)


    Well, i stayed the night at her place (to make sure she would take me)and she went out with her friends while i stayed there, keep in mind she didnt even offer to hang out with me even though she missed my birthday. well i ended up passing out in her bed, and she came home and made no big deal about it. I was expecting her to tell me to go sleep in the living room. Anyways, my point is do you really think she forgot my birthday?? I could tell she was sorry but I just dont understand how she could forget it! Second question is between her letting me sleep in her bed and also not letting go of the hug I gave her at the airport, what kind of signals is she sending me.....I dont know everyone I am just confused....sorry for the long rant.

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