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Posts posted by AnotherChick

  1. I'm sorry. I read through all of that and just chuckled at each each entry. The advice you've received so far is really good. What you may not understand about a healthy sex life (yet...maybe?) is that each person needs to know what works AND does not work for them. If your girlfriend is exploring, then LUCKY YOU! Hopefully you've explored what works for you and what you can do for her besides just intercourse. I've had boyfriends actually wonder if I had toys and if they could "play along". Why? Well, because they want to know what works for me and that's the best way to do so.


    Talk with her about it. Except avoid the "loose" reference. You'll either get slapped or dumped. On that topic, girls don't exactly work that way. It's not like she's having a baby or something. That statement gets way too much airplay.


    Anyhow, Relax. Sounds like your girl is really learning so she can pleasure you better.

  2. Hey Everyone, thank you for the responses. In case you are wondering about how things are, I only have to say "becareful what you ask for". I took the advice about communication. I just took a deep breath, decided if discussing this freaks him out then it's a good clue about what I need to do next, and threw it out on the table. I simply asked, how he felt about the relationship, any comments, concerns, etc. Mentioned that it seems odd we are moving so slow in the "I love you" department, and what are his thoughts on this. His response...which shocked the heck out of me...was...well, "things are fine. I think this is just our own pace. However, I want you to know that I'm really starting to realize I want to have kids in the next couple of years." After I quit reeling and my head quit spinnining, I simply pointed out that I just want to fall in love and could we take a few steps back and talk about that. So, my "problem" has morphed in another direction. But this problem I feel in control of. But, WOW. That was such a shocking turn of events I just had to share it. Thanks to all of you for the advice.

  3. So I have been dating this guy for about 15 months. When I am with him I am happy. He is the same way. He somehow manages to thrive on little to no communication. I don't consider myself high maintenance, but I do need a phone call or something just to know he is still there and cares that I'm still here. After a month break up, we worked through that little issue and so now he is attentive to my communication needs, and he doesn't balk when I inquire about him to get to know him anymore. So, things are fine now. Right? Not so much. Now that he has met his end of the bargain, I'm still left here wondering if there is really a future for us. I know I'm the emotional chick and he is the emotionally void guy (an extreme case) who has met me 1/2 way, but this feels like he's simply checking off his list of "to do's". We haven't said we love eachother. I'm not sure if I'm ready to say it. I'm certianly not interested in forcing him to say it or making him feel forced to say it. So, I find myself wondering if we are just spinning our wheels?


    Anyone been here before? Care to share some words of wisdom?

  4. yeah...that's what we do. I can't really explain this phenomenon away, but the fact is that women are, in general, the communicators. We are also the ones cursed with an ample amount of emotion that seems to cloud our every thought. We even try to get past this and lie to ourselves that we are NOT that way. We are.


    On the otherhand, guys don't give us much to work with. So, when we are left with nothing but assuptions to go on, fueled with more emotion one human can take, you're going to find that we chicks will continue to behave this way.


    My advice: just soldier on bro.

    (oh, and communicate with us, so we can't assume as much)

    Good Luck!

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