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Posts posted by ndl24

  1. Here is my question/story. I've always had this fear of dying alone and never getting married, etc. I've dated a few guys but only for a few weeks at a time. But I have this constant nagging feeling that I'm never going to find someone. I met this guy two weeks ago while on vacation, but I feel like a long distance thing isn't a good idea. I just see everyone with someone and I feel alone. How can I get over this and why do I feel this way? Please help!

  2. Hey guys!

    On Monday I texted my ex for the first time since we broke up. I said, "Hey ---! I just wanted to say hi. I hope your exams are going good. Love, ----". He texted me back saying thanks, yada yada. Then I texted him and said, "What exams do you have left? Do you work this whole weekend?" After that I didn't get a response, and then I went to work. He left me a voicemail message and said I could call him back. So I did and we talked for 15 minutes. Today it is Wednesday and I'm not sure what else to do/say. I was thinking that we could get together on Sunday. I want to get back together (I broke up with him in Jan. because I was busy with school, work, etc.). Any help would be fantastic!! Thanks!

  3. There is this guy that I dated in January. I broke up with him after 2 weeks bacause I didn't feel a real connection. I think there was nothing because I had just gotten out of a relationship where I was cheated on.


    The real kicker is that lately I've been seeing him around campus and I'm feeling attracted to him. When we dated he was really happy, but I would always break plans and be "busy" because I didn't feel the same.


    The only talking we've done is just a simple hello. I'm thinking of e-mailing him, but I don't know what to say. I'm just not sure if I'm feeling this way because my best friend just got a boyfriend 3 weeks ago and now I'm hanging out by myself more, or because I like him.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  4. This is my first time posting anything, but I really need some advice.


    I have been best friends with my friend since 5th grade. We graduated from high school last year, but still live in the same city (just going to different schools). We used to hang out every weekend. This past month she started to spend all of her time with girl from work, Lindsey. Lindsey likes to drink and now my friend drinks. My friend just started to date one of Lindsey's friends, it's her first real boyfriend. Now I feel like I'm being tossed aside because of her new friends. She spends the whole week with them going to parties and the weekdays golfing or bowling (both of what she hates).

    I've talked to her about this and she promised me she wouldn't drink anymore. I've told her I feel like I'm losing her and that I'm being replaced. She's says that isn't going to happen, but her reassurance isn't helping. It seems like she would rather be with Lindsey then me because every time we talk she just talks about Lindsey and what they did that day.

    This past weekend she blew off plans with me on Friday to hang out with them, but she said she really wished she could've gone with me. She always complains that she thinks it's boring to just sit at someone's house and watch a movie, but that's what she did with them on Friday. Then on Saturaday she said she would call me in between 3 & 4, but never did. She said she always makes sure that "we're" not doing anything before she does stuff with them. This was not the case on Saturday and it really hurt me.

    I'm sorry this was long winded, but I'm really not sure what else to do. If you could help I would really be grateful! Thanks!!

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