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Posts posted by lea2503

  1. Don't check his Facebook whatever you do!

    I couldn't stop myself and in the end it resulted in me seeing he was in a relationship with someone else.

    3 months after the breakup and I've only just blocked him, do it right now. It's the best thing I've ever done and I wish I'd done it months ago, it will only stall your healing.

  2. Day 3....


    And feeling pretty awesome!

    The past few weeks I've finally taken him off the pedestal and have been able to focus on how badly he treated me, selfish, controlling, someone who told me what I couldn't wear and wouldn't let me out on nights out with friends!


    Good luck to his new girlfriend, he's her problem now!

  3. It's been 3 months since we split, 3 months since I've seen or heard your voice, and you're still the first thing I think of when I wake up.

    You made me so happy in those 2 years, we had everything I wanted and I can't begin to describe the love I had for you, you weren't just my boyfriend, but my best friend too.

    And now you have a new girlfriend, a relationship I will never understand, and it kills me thinking of all the stuff you'll be doing together.

    In a few weeks it's Xmas, Xmas Eve last year you stayed with me and my family, we woke up Xmas morning together and everything was perfect, now it's all gone.

    I hate that you don't want to speak to me, I feel like the bad guy and the enemy when I've done nothing wrong.

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