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Posts posted by jrgoodie

  1. First off me and this girl have been dating on and off for 2yrs and have even talked of marriage and children and everything. The last time we broke up was in August. We hardly talked during this time and I knew she hit the dating scene again very quickly she even dated one guy for a month and a half or so and thought she was in love. Well about 3 weeks ago we started talking again and I was very unsure about getting back together with her but she begged and begged and expressed how sorry she was about everything and how she would be completely committed this time and that we would work. I took her back at the beginning of last week. Now when we broke up last I truly never thought she would be back...ever...and I knew that she was seeing other people as well. So I did what I wanted...I wound up sleeping with two different girls while we were broke up (not at the same time...one night stands that I regret)...she slept with 3 different guys while we were broke up (also not at the same time) I must say this bothers me a little bit but it bothers her so much that she can't stop thinking about and when she's with me she takes her frustration of it out on me...she has these images of me being with someone else all the time. But yet she is so ate up with this that she has broken off the relationship again because she can't deal with the thoughts she's having...I don't think it's a trust issue because I've always been faithful to this woman..always. My eyes never even strayed and if they did it was to say "What I have is so much better". What I'm wondering is ...Is she justified to feel this way...have I done something wrong here with what I did during the breakup...I feel if anyone should be upset it's me...she fell in love with some guy(and also slept with two others) and I feel that an emotional relationship is much more threatening than anything physical...Help me out.

  2. Me and my girlfriend of a year and a half just broke up two weeks ago. Actually this is the third time we have broken up this summer but this time I think it's for good but I'm not real sure what happened. We had been living together for about a year then in May she decided she needed some space. The next week I moved out. We stayed broke up for 2 weeks and she called me everyday 2 and 3 times a day during that time. We got back together in mid-May and got in one argument and she broke it off again. This was after a week of being back together. We continued to talk every 2 or 3 days then eventually got back together in July. One week before we broke up she was telling her friends and coworkers how much she realized she loved me while we were broke up and what a wonderful guy I am and how lucky she is to have me. We were talking about moving in together and getting married again and I thought everything was great. We both felt really good about us being back together. Then one Friday we break up. At first she says it was my insecurities about our relationship and that I needed to work on myself by myself before I could be in a relationship. But now she straight up says we aren't meant for each other and that she felt chlostrophobic and trapped and she doesn't want to be tied down and wants to go out and do things she never did before and that she couldn't do with me. I'll admit that I was a little insecure about the relationship and I definitely was working on that but when you've been dumped by the same chick 3 times in 3 months it's hard no to be insecure. I also know that I was insecure about the relationship because of the way she was acting in the last week or two of the relationship. She said things that kind of made me think I wasn't in her future. Now we don't talk at all hardly and she goes out and parties every night. What I don't get is how you can thank your lucky stars that I'm in your life one day then the next act like you hate me and won't talk to me. What gives.

  3. Me and my girlfriend of about 1 1/2 years just broke up two weeks ago. We were very serious and were living together and talking about marriage. Granted we had our fights but I believe the good outweighed the bad. Then she decided she needed some space about a month ago. So I respected her decision and moved out that week. But she continued to call me two and three times a day. About two weeks after I moved we got back together but still mutually chose not to live together until we were married. Then after a week of being back together we got in one argument and she broke up with me again she didn't call for a few days and then started the calling again and it's been everyday. I actually went to lunch with her today which now I realize it was a mistake because now I'm right back in the grieving process where I started. But I got my hopes up thinking she would want me back. When I say something to the effect of getting back together she says not right now. She still says she loves me and misses me. And I definitely still love her but what do I do because she still continues to call. And what is she trying to do by calling all the time and inviting me to lunch? Does she just want to be friends? What gives? I'm confused

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