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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Brightening the Mood Through Kind Words

    We all have days that don’t go according to plan. Days where it feels like the tiniest obstacles are insurmountable and finding even a tiny bright spot seems close to impossible. On days like this, it can be simple words of kindness that can bring our mood up, not only helping us recover but also inspiring and motivating us to keep going. This was something that one mother experienced during one of her tough days and she has shared her story to show how impactful kind words can be.

    As a busy single mom to a two-year-old, organizing childcare for the day whilst she worked had proven to be quite a struggle. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, childcare centers are closed so she had to arrange private babysitting instead. After missing out on a few potential caregivers due to shifts not matching up, she had eventually found someone that mostly fit the need but this arrangement still left her feeling exhausted and doubtful. She had to cram all her work into that particular day.

    Amidst all those niggling thoughts, it was the kind words of one stranger that raised her spirits and gave her the motivation to carry on. During her lunch break, she decided to grab a quick bite at a local café when a lovely elderly lady caught her attention and started chatting cheerfully with her. Despite the complete lack of social distancing, this tired mom felt compelled to stay where she was and chat regardless.

    The lady then proceeded to tell her about how much of a wonderful mom she was and this very small yet powerful gesture had sparked a ray of sunshine in her dull day. It reminded her of how special and strong of a mom she was despite the odds that were presented to her. As per the lady’s request, she even shared a few stories of her most treasured moments with her son. And even though her son wasn’t around, her emotions were overwhelming with love.

    The conversation ended with the elderly lady wishing her luck for the rest of the day and for the future. It was those few moments of kind words amidst the chaotic events of the day that showed her that sometimes during the toughest times you don’t have to look too far to find the strength to carry on.

    In the age of technology, we tend to forget the power of human interaction. It is easy to overlook the importance of kind words in times of need and feel helpless in such situations. The truth is that to make a difference in someone’s life, all you have to do is a simple gesture of kindness. Kindness doesn’t have to be grand or significant, just listening to others’ stories and offering your support and appreciation is what matters most.

    It can be difficult straddling two worlds; parenting and work can be demanding for anyone. However, a little kindness from strangers can really remind us to stay calm and take a breath. It gives us the opportunity to understand that we are not alone in our struggles. As this mom realized, it isn’t a matter of waiting for someone to come and fix our problems; it’s recognizing the potential within us to solve our own. Whether that’s through small friendly conversations with strangers or leaning onto close friends and family. It’s never giving up on our dreams despite the long odds and always finding an opportunity to be kind. Because kindness really does change the world, one person at a time.

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