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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Breaking Bread with Strangers: The Benefits to Eating With People You Don’t Know

    What could be more optimistic than dining with strangers you’ve never met in hopes of making a new friend? This radical act of eating with people you don’t know is not only a refreshing way to make connections with other people, but it can also benefit an individual’s mental and emotional health.

    Meeting strangers may seem like a scary proposition for many, but dining together creates a safe environment in which everyone is on equal footing and willingly enters into the experience. Studies have shown that there are many benefits to face-to-face contact, especially when meeting new people who have different perspectives from our own. Having conversations with someone who does not have the same history as us can be beneficial when it comes to problem-solving, trying new thing

    Moreover, sharing a meal with others strengthens social bonds because, unlike texting or messaging someone online, we can use all of our senses and gathering around a table elicits feelings of comfort and familiarity.

    Dining with strangers gives individuals a chance to practice their communication skills, including how to begin a conversation, how to politely respond to others, or even how to set boundaries around personal topics that may come up during the conversation. It also affords people an opportunity to take a break from their digital lives and practice expressing themselves.

    In today’s fast-paced and often isolating world, human contact is an essential part of maintaining emotional well-being. Eating meals alone can result in feelings of loneliness, yet when shared with another person—even if that person is a stranger—it can offer individuals a sense of connection with their community.

    Eating with strangers has become increasingly popular for its ability to provide strangers with a place of “shared humanity.” Diners get the opportunity to take a break from their own lives for a short time and focus on building relationships instead. It is a empowering experience that allows people to step outside of their mundane routines and react to situations in ways they would not normally. It encourages individuals to practice self-respect and respect for others.

    It is the act of engaging with a stranger that offers the most potential. By opening up to one another and sharing stories around the table, a mutual understanding can be built that allows users to empathize and connect with one another in a meaningful way.

    In addition to the social benefits, eating with strangers offers a unique cultural experience. Individuals who go out for dinner alone will likely be consuming anything that appeals to them, rather than focusing on their meal companions. Conversely, when people eat with strangers, it provides opportunities to try new kinds of cuisines and explore flavors from around the world.

    The radical act of eating with strangers is something that should be embraced by everyone. Not only is it an opportunity to meet new people and expand your horizons, but it also can provide great benefits to your mental wellbeing. So, why not take a chance and meet someone new over a delicious meal?

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