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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    A Mysterious Felt Presence: The Unknown Science Behind Unexplained Occurrences

    On its own, the feeling of a presence is one of the strangest phenomena of the modern age. It’s a fleeting sensation that comes over us often without warning, dispelling any sense of safety or calmness in whatever our environment may be. When nothing is there, something is felt. Though humans have long been aware of this mysterious occurrence, there is still a dearth of scientific knowledge on its origin. What, then, is the new and strange science behind a felt presence?

    For some, the concept of a surrounding presence isn’t so hard to believe. Jungian psychology have attributed this eerie sensation to an unconscious person’s recognition of their mortality and limits depending on their environment. In an environment unfamiliar to them—such as a silent room or darkened street—the unrealized vulnerability of the transitory nature of contact invokes a primal response. To allay the potential for feeling of weakness, the body unconsciously calls upon the presence for protection or solace.

    To researchers, the phenomenon of a felt presence remains an unanswered question from a scientific standpoint. A number of physical explanations have been explored and discounted, including hallucinations created by interfering electromagnetic radiation, abnormal brain activities, or a breakdown of the boundaries between our conscious and subconscious selves. The investigations thus far have highlighted paradoxical elements—while the people affected by a presence felt were certain that something was indeed present in the environment, the source of the feeling has remained a mystery due to the lack of a physical phenomenon.

    More recent research into felt presences has proposed two alternative theories. The first offers new ways of thinking about energy and vibrational frequencies, rebuilding the boundaries between life and death. According to this hypothesis, presence may be generated by an aura or vibration related to a living organism like an animal, plant, or even another person. This wave possesses a potential for inter-dimensional communication, piercing the veil between the living and the dead, natural or manmade.

    The second idea suggests that the presence could be caused by the manipulation of time and space. Gravity, time, and distance can be bent and altered through wormhole theory, as well as the disruption in spacetime caused by the intense gravitational fields near quasars, pulsars, and neutron stars. This distortion could cue the apparition of a presence, experienced as a force emanating from under or beyond physical boundaries.

    The introduction of new or strange sciences coupled with the elusive nature of its explanatory power makes the study of felt presence difficult to comprehend, yet no less compelling. Whether it’s an arrangement of energy, the presencing of a ghostly figure, or an unforeseen bodily experience, a felt presence remains a compelling subject in both scientific and personal realms. To discover the underlying mechanisms behind these peculiar occurrences can be a daunting task. But by piecing 2 together the various theories, the curtains may finally part, granting access to the mysteries of a felt presence.

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