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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Friend or Faux? The Differentiating Qualities of a Good and Bad Friendship

    Trust is one of the most important elements of any friendship. It allows for true communication and intimacy to be built between two people and can help to create a bond that stands the test of time. But just as friendships filled with trust can strengthen and grow, those without it can quickly falter and dissolve. It’s vital to evaluate the relationship between you and a potential new friend to determine whether they are a good match for you or not. How do you know which qualities are beneficial and which one’s could potentially lead to toxicity? By recognizing the specific identifying characteristics of a good friend, you’ll be able to easily differentiate between those that are worth your time and those that should be given a wide berth.

    A good friend will show signs of loyalty and reliability. They’ll remember the important things that you tell them such as interests, events, and ideas. They won’t talk about you behind your back and try to provide you with positive advice from time to time. They’ll always make time for you, even if it’s only in small chunks, when you need them the most. Similarly, a good friend will encourage you when need to hear it most, be there to pick you up when you’re down, and celebrate your successes with genuine enthusiasm.

    Unfortunately, not all friends dance to this same tune. Unlike a good friend, a bad one will be more selfish and unreliable. Instead of making time for you, they will frequently cancel their plans without warning and make excuses for why it had to be done. They may also play hot and cold with your relationship, coming in and out of your life as they please. In terms of advice, they may be more critical and judgmental, nitpicking the decisions you make and the path you choose. Furthermore, they will often gossip and spread information that was intended to remain between the two of you.

    The greatest difference between a good and bad friend lies in their ultimate intentions. A good friend truly wants the best for you and will foster an environment conducive to growth and success. On the other hand, a bad friend will insert their own interests and ideologies into consideration, sometimes at the cost of yours. It’s important to recognize that no perfect friends exist and everyone has flaws. But the way your friends treat you, the way they carry themselves, and their dedication to your friendship can have profound effects on your life – both positive and negative.

    Choose your friends wisely, keeping in mind their qualities: loyalty, reliability, commitment, open communication, respect, understanding, and mutual trust. Investing the right amount of time into finding genuine friendships is a worthy endeavor that sorely pays off in the long run. Moreover, it increases the chance of meeting and developing more deep, meaningful relationships with others.

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