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    The Truth About Food Expiration Dates: When to Toss Old Food and When It's Safe to Eat

    Have you ever rummaged through your fridge and come across an item that's past its "use by" date? Many of us have, and the question of whether it's safe to eat that food can be confusing. Understanding the different types of expiration dates on food products is crucial to ensure that you're consuming food that's safe to eat.

    What Do the Dates on Groceries Mean?

    There are different types of expiration dates on food products, including "use by," "sell by," and "best by" dates. Here's what each of these dates means:

    1. Use by: This is the date recommended by the manufacturer for peak quality and safety. After this date, the food may not be at its highest quality or freshness, and consuming it may be risky.
    2. Sell by: This is the date by which the retailer should sell the product. After this date, the product may still be safe to consume, but the quality may have declined.
    3. Best by: This is the date by which the manufacturer recommends consuming the product for the best quality. The product may still be safe to consume after this date, but the quality may have declined.

    It's important to note that expiration dates are not a guarantee of safety. They are simply a recommendation for the quality and freshness of the product.

    When Is It Safe to Eat Food That's Past Its "Use By" Date?

    While it's recommended to consume food before its "use by" date, it doesn't necessarily mean that the food is unsafe to eat after that date. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), many food products can still be consumed after their "use by" date if they have been stored properly. The USDA recommends using your senses to determine whether food is still safe to eat. If the food smells bad, looks discolored or slimy, or has an off taste, it should be discarded. However, if the food still looks and smells fine, it's likely safe to consume. It's important to note that certain food products should never be consumed after their "use by" date. These include infant formula and baby food, which should be discarded after their expiration date, as they may lose their nutritional value over time.

    Experts Weigh In

    To get a better understanding of food expiration dates, we reached out to experts in the food industry. Here's what they had to say:

    1. Dr. Mary Rodgers, a food safety expert at the USDA, emphasizes the importance of proper food storage. She recommends storing perishable items, such as meat and dairy, at temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent bacterial growth.
    2. Dr. Rupali Limaye, an expert in health communication at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, encourages consumers to use their senses to determine whether food is still safe to eat. She also recommends purchasing food products with a longer shelf life to reduce the risk of food waste.
    3. Chef, food writer, and food safety expert, Jennifer McLagan, emphasizes the importance of understanding the different types of expiration dates on food products. She recommends consuming food before its "use by" date, but also notes that many foods can still be consumed after that date if they have been stored properly.

    Food Waste and Sustainability

    The issue of food waste is a growing concern, as it has a significant impact on the environment. According to the USDA, around 30 to 40 percent of food in the United States is wasted each year. When we throw away food, we're not only wasting resources, but we're also contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce food waste and promote sustainability, it's important to understand expiration dates on food products and to only purchase what you need. Planning meals ahead of time and properly storing perishable items can also help to reduce food waste. Another way to reduce food waste is to donate excess food to food banks and shelters. Organizations such as Feeding America and Food Donation Connection work to redistribute surplus food to those in need.

    Understanding the different types of expiration dates on food products and using your senses to determine whether food is still safe to eat can help to reduce food waste and ensure that you're consuming food that's safe to eat. While it's important to consume food before its "use by" date, many food products can still be consumed after that date if they have been stored properly. By taking steps to reduce food waste, we can promote sustainability and reduce our impact on the environment.

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