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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Dilemma of the Vegetarian Wife

    When a wife constantly claims to be vegetarian while, in truth, she is eating things that are not vegetarian, it can create a difficult situation for her husband. On the one hand, he wants to remain supportive of her dietary choices, but on the other, he wants to make sure she is making healthy choices with her diet. In these cases, it is important to be mindful of both the wife's feelings and her health and take steps to ensure both are protected.

    First and foremost, it is essential that the husband approach the situation delicately, as nobody likes to be called out on their lies. If he believes his wife is not eating a vegetarian diet, he should start by voicing his concerns about her health. Instead of accusing her outright, a supportive husband might instead gently allow her to come to the realization that she isn't sticking to vegan meals as strictly as she thinks she is. He could do this by suggesting the two of them work on eating more plant-based foods together or by recommending some vegetarian options for her.

    Another option is for the husband to encourage his wife to take a food journal test. Such a test would allow him to determine what type of food she is consuming and to identify whether she is indeed eating vegetarian items or not. This approach can help alleviate any feelings of guilt or embarrassment, as his wife will be able to see first-hand what she is actually eating. A food journal test can also give the husband helpful data to work with as he works on making healthier meals for them both.

    In cases where a wife claims to be vegetarian but is truly not, it is important for the husband to ensure she is getting enough nutrients. While cutting out meat can provide certain health benefits, it can also lead to deficiency in things like protein and iron, while fats from animal sources are actually important for brain development. So even if his wife claims to be vegetarian, a husband may want to consider introducing smaller amounts of lean meats, fish, and eggs into her weekly menu rotation. Including small amounts of these foods can help boost the vitamins and minerals she may be deficient in and can also provide much needed energy.

    When a situation presents itself in which a wife claims to be vegetarian, but her husband knows the truth about her diet, he should be mindful of both her health and her feelings. Starting by voicing his concerns in a supportive way without accusing his wife of lying may be a good first step. If this does not work, then offering to help compile meal plans that are both vegetarian and properly balanced or encouraging her to take a food journal test may be the next best route. if the wife truly is not obtaining enough calories or vitamins, then incorporating small amounts of lean meats, fish, and eggs into weekly meals can help ensure her health is taken care of.

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