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Hello everybody


I am talking to this recently on the phone and we both think that we are compatible and that we should meet soon to get to know each other well.

When I spoke to him the last time he told me that he is not planing to meet me in near future as the tickets from his place to my place are too expensive. He said that he will be looking out for deals and we will see if we can meet sometime sooner. We have not been talking to each other as frequently as we used to( he doesnt call as much)


I dont know what to make out of all this and how shld I proceed with this matter.

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Well we know each other for two month now. We have seen each others pictures. I dont think that is the problem. I dont know about the interest though. The last talk has created some suspision. He was little skeptical about the whole thing. I dont want to continue talking if there is no future, just dont want to build up hopes. I do that unconsciously.


I dont want to get hurt all over again

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Well, without pain, you wouldn't appreciate the beauty of happiness! No one wants to feel emotional pain, but it's best to be a realist and accept the fact that we will feel it from time to time.


Hmm...my suggestion to you is that you wait for him to contact you, be it phone or email, and lay all the cards out on the table. Initiate the conversation about long distance relationships and see if he truly is skeptical about the whole thing. It is best that you know now than to waste any more of your time and energy. Long distance relationships aren't for everyone and if he's one of the ones who cannot deal with the distance, than it's best that you move on now.

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