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Oral: Sanitary?

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who cares? you can always brush your teeth and use mouth wash....lol jk

no, on a more serious note, if you are into that, then you don't really think much about it. And as long as there are no STD's involved, it shouldn't be that serious. You just have to make the judgment for yourself. g'luck witht that.

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There are less germs down there than in your mouth.

After you clean, there's usually not even any smell... I can't argue for feces, but urine's cleaner than our mouths. We actually harbor a lot of germs in our mouths... that is not saying that urine's drinkable. Of course techinically it is, but the smell of ammonia is strong...


I'm not sure about feces though.

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Here's a fun fact: the average person has two pounds of microorganisms on and in them. What about your mouth? I would consider that ten times worse than your genitals. Think of all the junk you put in there. Have you ever seen those mites that live in your eyelashes? Have you ever washed your hands, rolled them onto yeast and fungus plates, and seen what's grown? At least urine is sterile.


The immune system: Use it or lose it.

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