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i need help on places to meet girls

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forgot to mention i have tried that. i just got out of a 3 year relationship 4 months ago and i am doing the no contact thing with the ex. since we are apart, we are doing the things for ourselves to make us better as individuals. we both hinted at getting back together but we still aren't sure. so we will both be dating in the mean time. i'm looking to see what else is out there. i met my ex from internet dating and i don't regret it.

i recently started the internet dating again, met a few people but i just didn't click with anyone. i guess i need to keep trying, but i am getting discouraged with it a little bit. i also tried the speed dating and let me tell you, even though i didn't meet a datable person yet, it is a blast to do!!

i highly recommend it.

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I guess my question for you would be what type of girl are you looking for? That might help me lead you to places to look that you might not think of. For example, an obvious one would be if you are looking for someone who likes to read then a bookstore would be a good first stop, or if you are looking for someone who is interested in the arts, a museum or gallery is an obvious suggestion.

Another place you might not neccesarily think of that are good over the summer are outdoor flea markets/antique shows, there is one not terribly far from where I live that goes on every weekend and I went there and to my surprise saw lots of people around my age, male and female, walking around! Another idea is to take a classe at the gym, if you belong. For some reason, my spinning and kickboxing classes are almost all female! I have never seen more than one guy at one at a time! I had a friend who took a yoga class and met several nice girls that way.


Best of luck!



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