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Valentine's Day Ideas

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Hi everyone. I know I'm not the only one who will be missing my sweetie on Valentine's Day. I've been racking my brain for ideas on what to send him, creative ideas (for a tight budget ), or anything else you guys would like to share! Here are a few I've come up with so far:


-A collage (not just with pictures of us, but clips from magazines and stuff that pertains to all of the plans we are making)

-Assortments of letters, notes, cards, etc.


That's all I've been able to come up with. But since time just goes by SO SLOWLY when he's away, I guess I'm not in any hurry! Thanks!

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Hmm, the collage sounds like a good idea, and it's something that'll be special. It'll be more personal and special if it's something that isn't store-bought. I'm not saying that you should avoid store-bought gifts, but rather stuff that's made or written, like a poem or a sincere letter will have much more significance since it comes from you and not Hallmark. The time and effort you put into it will definitely be noticed, and it will be appreciated. As long as it comes from you, that's what's important.

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Hey Sunfirechick.


Yea I know its annoying when your loved one's away, I had to go away for xmas too, it was harder than I thought. Anyway, try this link for some ideas:

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On top of that how about sending an audio tape or a video tape of you talking to him/her? I know it's SO nice to hear their voice or see them whenever you want, instead of waiting for that phone call.


Another thing I used to do is find out what his favorite snacks are and send tons of those candy bars or goodies that they can't get in their country. That's always fun.


Happy Heb

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