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Posts posted by cryingalways

  1. 2 hours ago, Seraphim said:

    I just looked up laws for the UK and mace is illegal and could carry a 7 year prison sentence. It is illegal here in Canada as well. Just realise you could do more damage to your own case. It carries the same penalties as carrying a gun. 

    Ah I've been looking up "pepper spray". They sell little bottles that go on keyring. I think they're the same thing though, so that's the end of that idea!

  2. On 1/1/2023 at 11:17 AM, Wiseman2 said:

    Anyone can call emergency services at any time to be taken to an ER.  However this is a criminal situation.

    Please do not assume you'll be "safe" when he gets mental health care. 

    It's good he lives at a distance and you have filed an order of protection.

    This way if he shows up he would be arrested.

    It's not that easy in the UK atm actually, A&E have 2 day long waits and add that to the festive season delay and that's why nothing has still happened.

    We will be safe when he's institutionalised I think, there is a secure ward. She's not going to drop the charges though, for our safety and to actually get him help too. But yes I get your point, we won't be contacting him. I'm just desperate for the police to get on with their job, it's been a week since the attack and still nothing has happened. 

    We've been ringing the police and GPs trying to get results though, and will not rest until we have. 

    I actually suggested the mace etc to my mum and she said she wants to do self defense classes (I'm still getting her the mace..) but it lifted her out of her fear and she's sounding more herself, so thankyou for your suggestions. 

    The rest of my family have been pretty useless through all this. My dad won't tell his new wife the truth and isn't taking it seriously enough. It's infuriating. 

  3. 18 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

    In addition to restraining order:

    Change all the locks.

    Get a security system with cameras, both inside and out.  

    If your mother is not comfortable with a firearm, then at the very least, get several canisters of mace to place around the home.

    Change your mother's phone number, and block him from that new number.

    I know this all seems excessive, but it isn't.  What's excessive is what you've already posted about him.  This is awful, and I'm so sorry you're dealing with it, but please start taking these actions today.

    Luckily he lives about a 4 hour drive away and can't drive (and is home now). I've suggested these things to my mum though (apart from the firearm as we're in the UK). She kept saying she hated not being able to defend herself and is now very jumpy, so I think self defense is a great idea thankyou. I will get some pepper spray myself too I think.

    The police have actually told us not to block his number as that can sometimes make matters worse, they said just to let it ring out in this instance. 

  4. 12 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

    Sorry this happened. You need to call the police immediately when this type of thing happens.

    In the meantime you and your mother need to get restraining orders. Please don't assume this is manageable alone.

    Help your mother have the courage to get a restraining order.

    Once he is discharged from a hospital, it's not the doctors job to prevent violence.  He cannot be held without a reason nor forced to comply with anything unless there is judicial intervention. That is why this is a legal not medical issue.

    It's a police issue. One that hopefully you'll look into. Get restraining orders asap. 

    I agree. We're just waiting for the police to contact him (bad time of year to get things done). The poor guy's even tried to admit himself to the mental ward since, but they won't take him until the police get involved. We will all feel better when he gets the help he has desperately needed for so long and feel safer. I really hope they take him, or yes it will be restraining order time. He's not allowed to contact mum atm either, so we have a sort of temporary restraining order. Fingers crossed things get going in the new year.

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  5. My brother has a history of mental health issues. He was admitted to a mental ward several times years ago and diagnosed with schizophrenia, although we have since all thought he has autism (which lead to psychotic episodes). In recent years he became abusive, especially to my mother. If you disagree with anything he says he'll berate you into saying he's right, and even if you do agree he'll still find something to argue with you about.

    Every Christmas we try to make sure there's a group of people around him so no one gets stuck alone with him, but this year he took offense to "the fire being too hot" just after my other brother had gone and shoved my mother before storming out to stay at the b&b round the corner.

    I begged her to come stay at mine which is 20 mins drive away, but she stayed in and turned all the lights off, telling him she had gone to mine. He messaged us both abuse all night then went round to hers in the morning and pushed her to the floor, hitting her 10-15 times. She rung me saying she would call the police, then he turned up again crying but also saying she'd made him do it and she got a neighbour over. With the neighbour there he didn't return, then me and my partner got there and I stayed with her whilst she rung the police. 

    They came to see her that evening and my brother has been told he can't contact her for now or he'll be arrested. He has messaged me saying he was 'ill and drunk' but sounding remorseful. I have not rung him back. 

    I'm now constantly worried about my mother (rightly so) and checking in on her lots. She says she is willing prosecute him, which I agree with. It's very hard emotionally to deal with it all (as it is for mum) as I feel both scared and sad for him, that he needs help. We told the doctors he was threatening us and they did nothing. I will feel better once they admit him to hospital, but nothing has happened so far. 

    I should also mention I had another brother who passed away 10 years ago, so this is especially hard on my mother and me because we want to help my older brother like we couldn't help the one who went.

    Sorry for the long blurt, but I've been thinking I need to write all this down to help my anxiety, which had reached new heights.

  6. No one and nothing has ever hurt me as much as you have. Not even the death of my own brother. I just didn't think someone could be so selfish, so evil to take a vulnerable person and screw with their head and their last hopes at wanting to live and use them against them because they were jealous of them having any independence. I was suicidal before I met you. I don't know what I am now but it's a whole new level of feeling despair. You left me once before. I was a complete wreck. And then came back the next day. Where are you now? It's been a month since you dumped me the second time-something you said you would never do again. My whole family is upset at this. I have to see my mother crying because she is sad that YET another bad thing has happened in our family. Do you care? I don't know. I very much doubt you do. I could be dead right now for all you know. How could you say you loved me so much even the day before you did it? Why? I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything at all! You just picked and picked to find anything to attack me with. I miss you though still. I love you. You evil man. One day in the future you will realize what you lost. I am beautiful, I am smart, I am talented, I am better than you, I am amazingly supportive, I catered to your every whim. You never deserved me. No one in the world is like me. You ruined it. What I do now, I don't know. What can you do after being emotionally abused by someone you love after your brother dies from cancer infront of you? I want to die. But I won't let you win. I am going to get through this. I don't know how. But I will try. I'm going to rub you out of my life and my mind. You evil evil man.

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