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Posts posted by Hazyillusions

  1. A few days ago out of curiosity I searched you up on FB and went on your page for the first time in a long while. Saw you changed your profile pic and that you started a new job and you seem to be really moving towards all you wanted to do these couple of years. I'm happy for you. I still do think about you extremely often but fleetingly. You were part of my past, and though I would say my feelings are finally passive for you now and have gotten over you nearly half a year ago, I still think of you fondly. You were a good guy E, I still care and wish you good things. You are part of some of my best past memories.


    Oh and happy belated birthday! Last year I put so much stock into constructing the right email for your bday but this year I completely forgot.

    At least it shows things have definitely changed.

  2. I gathered all the cards you wrote to me (all 8 of them), and the handmade gifts. Packed it away in one of my bags in my closet. Took off the beautiful gold bracelet you gave me for Christmas (think currently wearing it isn't the best idea).

    Cried of course when I looked at some of my past emails to you.

    I'll really miss you B. Even though we weren't meant to last longer term, I still hope that you'll keep me in your heart and remember us well in years to come.

    You were the love of my life. But it's okay.

    Life goes on.

  3. Sunday night brought illumination.

    It made me realise I couldn't keep holding on. I just can't do that anymore.

    It hurt so much, I could feel my heart imploding.


    Today, I will be gathering everything that you gave me and packing it up.

    I won't be seeing or speaking to you ever again.


    Our relationship was really special to me. Even though I was holding onto my feelings for you and the hope of what we could've been, I realise now that they're just empty hopes so I'm letting those thoughts go.


    Goodbye B.

  4. I’m writing you this tonight because I finally see things for the way they really are.

    When I work up the strength to walk away for good, that will be the day

    I’m still trying to get to that stage somehow.

    I really regret falling in love with you, you know that?

    You've become such a weakness of mine, my kryptonite.

    I wish it wasn't so.


    Yesterday morning while you were on Skype, I couldn’t stop thinking of waste waste waste. The word etched on my skin. I imagine blood gushing out and spilling drop by drop and somehow it was therapeutic. Maybe this is again the way of handling everything. The active thought of it helps surprisingly, though obviously I’d never actually do something like that.


    Thinking about it fills me with dread. If I continue this all it’ll be will be me satisfying my anxiety. But we’re broken. And nothing can be done to change it. I really wanted this but it’s not going to be a happy ending. So either i continue to hurt this way or I hurt another way (cutting you off leaves me with such unease). You weren't just a romantic partner to me...You were a close friend.

    I just really loved you, that's all.

  5. I hate that I have to eventually attempt again with some idiot and how everyone irritates me when they show interest.

    Now it's back to the whole getting to know you BS with some other randoms and it just gets me down.

    I hate you Ben. I don't want any of that, but i know in the next few months I'll need to start moving on.

    I wish things with us worked out. I need to stop hanging out with you so much. it's unhealthy.

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