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Posts posted by laroxes

  1. Tongue sucking arouses me because it makes me wonder,"Does she want to give me oral sex & she wants me to know how it would feel?" Or is she trying to tell me that she would love to have me suck her nipples or clit just like she is sucking on my tongue?

  2. Mandylee you did a good thing when you opened many eyes to what is sex & what is love. Sex is good but you don't give it away like popcorn. Sex will diminish in time but love will last growing deeper & stronger. We both were virgins on our wedding night. It was the greatest gift we could give each other. What are you waiting for? You've gone together long enough. It's time you both wed & find out how good & natural & the right thing to do at the right time when you give yourselves to each other.

  3. When we had been together for a long time & had advanced to a comfortable trusting relationship & getting more intimate with each other it just seemed like the next thing to do at the right time when we had sex for the first time on our wedding night. You wont have to ask others. You'll know all by yourself.

  4. Amen, Laroxes. I've always enjoyed giving oral to a woman that I have a strong emotional attachment to. I find it to be more intimate than almost all other 'acts'. ~K
    ............And I would find it most enjoyable if I could kiss you while your lips were still warm & moist with the proof of that intimacy.
  5. Hey there,

    I need some help, my new GF and I tried phone sex last night, it was pretty nice. She wants it again tonight, but I feel like I'm just going to be repeating myself.

    ..................Did you ever think that when you get to have real sex you will very often repeat yourself & that's OK since it makes you feel so good.
  6. You are not only 1 in a million but also 1 of a million that have discovered at an early age how good you can be to yourself. The good thing is that as you mature you will discover how good you can be for others & how good others can be for you. Don't be in too much of a rush. Half of the pleasure is the anticipation. You & what you have to give is too valuable to waste or give away too freely.

  7. Ask a girl this. First of all have her name 5 of the hottest guys she would like to go to bed with. Now ask her how many she would refuse if she found out they all had a 3" penis. If you use a penis as the way to measure a lover then maybe you should consider an elephant.

  8. When a woman is asked what the loving experience with her soulmate was like she doesn't respond,"He has a 9" penis." The sexual act involves so much more including all the senses & beyond that to personal traits like thoughtfulness, concern, trust, tenderness, appreciation, words of love. Do you judge her by the size of her breasts? Would you be turned off by the length or depth of her vagina? There is so much more to a person than just one part of them. Asking her would show that you lack confidence & that you don't want to do.

  9. I DO NOT think that she wants to be asked about each move you intend to make. Her comment would indicate to me that you are moving too slow for her. I am sure she would slow you down with her hands or by what she would say if you went too fast but I'm sure she wouldn't hold it against you especially since she said she is ready to move on. Besides I'm sure she wants to feel desired & know by your actions how much you need her. Again, do not ask. It would be like asking,"Can I say I love you?"

  10. If you were sucking on a mouth freshener that made your tongue tingle it will also make his thing tingle. Don't forget to hum. The vibration can be felt & enjoyed. Look into his eyes & if you want him to feel that you love him completely then swallow when he cums.

  11. I've read your post & the responding posts twice & thought about your dilemma & came up with these thoughts on your problem. Could it be you have a hormonal problem that could be corrected with medication? See a doctor. Were your parents the type that didn't show physical affection to you & each other? We learn a lot from our parents example. Now that I think of it, my parents were very loving & yet I use to feel that I was too presumptious & overstepping the bounds of propriety if I were to hug or kiss others freely. In time I learned how we all need to be hugged & told we are loved. There are many forms of love & ways to be loved & they are not all sexual. A kiss can mean "I missed you." Or a hug can mean "It's so much fun to be with you." Sex is good & wonderful & I hope in time you feel the desire to share the thrill of it with one special someone.

  12. Did you know how to drive a car the first or second or third time behind the wheel? It takes time to learn how to do so many things the right way. Don't be in a rush & don't think you have to practice on a lot of subjects. The guy that wants you for a bride would rather hear that you were inexperienced & wanted to learn from him instead of hearing that you got your know how from servicing every Tom, Dick, & Harry.

  13. 8. Do guys want to watch their girlfriend give them a blow / hand job?

    9. How do I initiate going down on my boyfriend? I really want to do it, I just don't know how to initiate.... Please help!!

    .....................I think it would have been better if you separated your question in different categories & submitted them on different postings. To respond to questions 8 & 9 I would say that I would find it exciting to watch it as it happens. It would seem I'm watching a porn movie except I would be a part of it & not only see it happening but feel it happening. I'd want to be able to look in her eyes & feel she was doing it for me at the same time she was receiving pleasure from it. I'd want to see the climax cover her tongue & lips then I'd want to show her my gratitude & love with a deep kiss sharing the feel & taste of the thrilling moment. She could initiate the act by whispering in my ear,"How will you let me know when you want a blow job?" That would cause my rocket to stand up for a countdown to blastoff.
  14. If you've read some of the responses on this subject on other message boards you'll realize first how important hygiene is then how what you eat can affect how you taste. I'm fortunate that my love tastes delicious to my tongue & smells tantalizing to my nose. Being shaved smooth prevents odors from being trapped in the hair. The uneducated & immature may have hangups on giving oral sex but I think as they learn better they will enjoy with all their senses the sight, feel, smell & taste of such a treasured part of you. You should save that special gift for a time when both you & a special someone can realize how valuable that intimate moment is.

  15. There has been a lot of interest & opinions on this question & I think there are many reasons why children are having sex more now than in the past. Parents are not taking the time or responsibility to know what their children are doing or to educate them about sex. Society has gotten so permissive that to avoid offending anybody they overlook & allow everything. Sex is great but the media is more interested in shock value than morality & makes it so attractive to the public. The kids think that what they see on TV or the movies or in the magazines is normal. So they dress & act like their rock stars or attempt to live like their movie idols. Magazines like Cosmopolitan should be printing items like,"Different sex positions & touches to please your spouse," instead of "to please your boyfried". They think,"If Frasier can sleep with different women then it must be OK & acceptable." If I were 14 now I'm sure I'd want to know what the sexual experience was like & would find it easier to obtain.

  16. It sounds like something a guy would say that wants to get you drunk. Sex is better when you are sober & know what you are doing & what is going around you & your senses are not dulled. I would want to remember what it was like & not wonder who? how many? was there protection? Alcohol makes me slow & sleepy. Don't drink & drive-also don't drink & fornicate. You can have an accident.

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