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Posts posted by cladams69

  1. Im living with my nondefined boyfriend. We have a great relationship, but I have trust issues. He is still very close with his ex, who we all know would take him back in a heartbeat, and they hang out 2 nights a week. He also has another female friend that would do jsut about anything to be with him. While I trust when he tells me he is not into them like that, I dont trust them, and then I have concerns about this "nice guy"'s ability to say no, for fear of hurting their feelings. He stresses to me that he is not into them for anything more than friends and swears they understand this, however, the one chick even sent him nude pics of himself, which he saved in a folder. I dont get it. I am all for keeping friends regardless of gender (I have many more guy friends than girls) but how do I deal? Anytime I mention anything, he flys of the handle yelling about how much I dont trust him, blah blah blah. Its just weird. Any suggestions that dont make me seem like a psychotic freak?

  2. I currently live with my bf of 4 yrs. Life is good, we get along wonderfully and care about each other. He just has an incredibly huge fear of commitment. We have never defined our relationship, or discussed that we wouldnt see other people, that is just pretty much how it is. Now that all of his friends are getting married and engaged this year, he has become quite stressed and continually tells me how much he does not understand why people get married and why it is a big deal. He feels that if 2 ppl are in love and want to spend their lives together, they should just do it and he doesnt "get" why people have to get married. I explain to him my view and told him this is one thing he wont change my mind about (I think he thought I would cave on the issue or something). I told him if that is how he truly feels then we both need to move on with our lives b/c that is not what I want. I know that he is the man I could spend the rest of my life with, I know that we would have a wonderful life. I dont understand why this marriage thing is such a problem for him. I am almost 30, and have been living status quo for 4 yrs, and I truly cant hold out for him indefinitely. I know that means letting him go and as rough as that is, I will have to do that if he doesnt step up. I jsut dont want him to do it to shut me up. I dont understand what the problem is. Is anyone in this situation or have any insight? he keeps asking why marriage is so important. I see it as giving of yourself, total commitment, sharing life, the place where 2 lives become one together forever. I guess I just dont get it.

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